Is Breast Augmentation Right for You? Everything You Need to Know
Breast Augmentation
![gummy bear implant](
The procedure, known as breast augmentation, breast enlargement, or boob job, enlarges and reshapes breasts through implants inserted into the breasts. While it’s the most popular plastic surgery procedure in the U.S., many patients and potential patients have questions about whether it’s right for them. Read on to learn more about why this procedure is so popular and tips to help you determine if it’s right for you.
What are the pros of breast augmentation?
Some people have better self-esteem after the surgery. -Physical changes are more discreet than other cosmetic procedures that can be used to enhance a woman’s breasts, such as breast lifts or the popular fat transfer technique.
Transumbilical implants can make you appear slimmer because they often result in a lift of the natural breast line. They also come with an enhanced range of cleavage options, including halos, waterfalls, twins and perky. -Some people report an improvement in intimate relationships following a successful breast augmentation procedure.
What is Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation is the procedure of adding volume and size or projection to the breasts. Three types of incisions can be used in breast augmentation surgery: areolar incision, inframammary incision, and periareolar incision.
Silicone implants are similar to saline but require a more complex surgical technique due to their durability.
Subpectoral implants are placed under the chest muscle, while gummy bear implants are nipple-sized with minimal risk of breast ptosis (sagging). Patients should know how important it is to choose the right implant and what type of incision might be right for them.
Types of Breast Augmentation
There are four common types of breast augmentation: Subpectoral implants, Saline implants, Inframammary incisions, or Areolar incisions. There are pros and cons with each method that might influence your decision as a patient.
Silicone implants are not only more cost-effective but also last longer. Plastic surgeons usually prefer this type of implant because it is not prone to rippling or leakage like saline implants can be in some cases. Saline Implants typically require a periareolar incision, whereas silicone does not–however, both usually require general anesthesia during the surgery process.
Gummy bear implants
Implants are typically made of silicone gel or saline. Saline implants generally go up to a size D.D., while silicone implants can go up to a size H. Silicone implants are more popular because they’re believed to feel more natural than saline. A gummy bear implant is a type of implant that’s put in through the armpit (subpectoral) and ranges from 300-500cc in volume.
Subpectoral implants
You may need a breast augmentation if you have had significant weight loss, experienced the natural effects of aging or decreased breastfeeding.
This surgery can also be necessary if you experience sagging breasts or are experiencing discomfort while wearing a bra or any other undergarment. Breast augmentation is the perfect solution for those who are self-conscious about their postpartum bodies.
Saline implants
Breast augmentation is a form of plastic surgery that involves the implantation of saline implants (filled with sterile salt water) into a woman’s breasts. Once inside the body, they slowly change from liquid to gel over a few months. The best time to get breast augmentation surgery is while you’re young and have little or no breast tissue and plenty of fat surrounding your chest muscles.
Areolar incision
The most common breast augmentation technique is a sub-glandular incision or under the breast fold that goes through the areola, around it on either side of the nipple, and then under the chest muscles.
This incision has a faster healing time than other incisions because there is less cutting. Less cutting also means that less scarring develops. It is possible to have an inversion of your nipple (or nipples) following this procedure.
periareolar incision
This is because it does take more time than traditional breast augmentations because there is more tension on the skin as it heals. Also, although it’s not common; many patients still have prolonged scars from this procedure long after their surgery was complete. In addition, it leaves behind an indented ring around the incision point which sometimes makes breastfeeding difficult or impossible depending on how extensive this is.
Inframammary incision
An inframammary incision is the traditional surgical method of breast augmentation. This procedure requires the surgeon to incision underneath the nipple line to bring the implant up from under the muscle. After the surgery, scar tissue can form around the implant, creating visible rippling or changing how natural your breasts look.
Suppose you are considering this type of surgery. In that case, you should research a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in this type of procedure, as they will be able to perform it properly with minimal scarring.
Silicone implants
Silicone implants are the most popular choice if you decide that breast augmentation is proper for you. For example, breast augmentations with silicone implants may feel more natural because they’re often firmer than saline implants and can fill out the contours of your chest wall better.
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What are the cons of breast augmentation?
One of the disadvantages of breast augmentation is that you will have scars in an area that is usually not visible. In most cases, these scars are placed behind the breast tissue. A second disadvantage is an increased risk of implantation mammoplasty.
This occurs when a silicone device leaks from the nipple or other tissues close to the implantation site. In rare cases, skin inflammation may also occur in this area. This occurs when fat spreads unevenly under the skin after surgery.
Does it change your sex life?
Larger breasts can be great when it comes to sex. It can provide a better feeling of being penetrated because the size of the breasts creates more friction against your partner’s body. Plus, they are easier to hold on to while engaging in sexual activities.
How much does it cost?
While the cost of breast augmentation varies from surgeon to surgeon and patient to patient, you can expect an average price between $4,000 and $8,000. One factor that significantly influences the cost is the type of implant your doctor will use. Silicone implants are the least expensive type of implant; however, these are made of medical grade silicone, so there is no difference in quality compared to saline or silicone gel-filled implants.
Are there any risks involved?
There are many potential risks involved with breast augmentation. Risks include increased pain or discomfort from incisions and the risk of bleeding or scarring from the surgery itself. Other hazards include any infection due to open wounds during the procedure. And finally, there is always a risk of some complication with the implant itself (i.e., rupture).
Will they stay perky throughout my lifetime?
The good news is, according to some studies, most breast implants will stay firm throughout your lifetime. That said, if the implant ruptures or shrinks over time due to the effects of gravity or other factors, it could impact their perkiness. There’s no guarantee on how long they’ll stay perky!
Are there any advantages or disadvantages if I’m breastfeeding now, soon, or in the future?
If you are breastfeeding now or in the future, we recommend waiting until after you have stopped feeding your baby before undergoing a breast augmentation procedure.
One of the primary concerns surrounding augmentations is that implants can leak following pregnancy or lactation due to tissue erosion around the implant which can cause complications.
How much time is required until I can return to work after surgery?
Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer as to how long it will take you to recover from breast implant surgery. That being said, the average recovery time is two weeks. Your surgeon will provide an exact recovery timeline, depending on your procedure. Dr. Jean-Pierre Dans can help guide you through this process and answer any questions you might have about a post-surgical recovery program.
Making the decision to get breast implants is a big one. However, if you want to increase your bust size or change how your breasts look after having a baby, it’s something you may want to consider. For many women, these benefits are worth the possible risks that accompany this cosmetic surgery.