Health benefits of swimming
The five main benefits of swimming for a healthy lifestyle

Swimming is an exercise that burns many calories, is available for joints, supports weight and increases muscle strength and endurance. It also improves cardiovascular health, cools and revives in summer, and is one that you can safely do in adulthood. In this article, I will discuss the advantages of swimming.
The five main benefits of swimming for a healthy lifestyle
Swimming reduces stress
Running and stretching may not be your first preference when it comes to evening relaxation. However, few people realize that swimming provides more stress relief than your favorite TV show.
In addition to endorphins, swimming not only activates these wonderful mood-enhancing hormones, but also gives you a chance to clear your mind and look at the view of the day. Some gym addicts hate the peace of mind provided by the pool, but if you need a strong relaxation, swimming can bring benefits. Learn more.
Swimming relieves anxiety and depression
For people with mental disorders, stress-eliminating aspects of swimming often act on a deeper level. If you suffer from tension, swimming can help relieve suppressed anxiety/muscle pain and allow you to be attentive/worry-free during exercise. However, the pools in which you swim must be well heated, because the cooled water does not have the same effect (about 78-80 degrees). What’s more, this is the perfect exercise for those who are aware of your appearance, because swimming sculpts and strengthens the whole body – making you look great and feel even better.
Swimming accelerates regeneration
Swimming can also help relieve pain as an exercise with little effect. If you suffer from poor pain in the spine or joints, swimming can only be an exercise needed to relieve the strain. Its rehabilitation action is due to the fact that it is not an aggravating training; When you stretch and regenerate, water adds strength. The thought of being attached to a treadmill causes a slit on your back, renewing your passion for swimming. When combined with a well-balanced diet, 4 x 40-minute swimming sessions a week can reduce excess weight.
According to a report for Disease Control and Prevention, about 70 kg of a person burns about 510 calories by swimming for an hour,” reports Livestrong, explaining that you can still blow fat at an extreme rate without running miles. Research shows that swimmers can burn about 350 calories in 30 minutes, depending on stroke, weight and speed. Swimming strong enough to maintain your target heart rate for half an hour or more, and a calorie-sensitive diet that takes into account your activity level can help you achieve your healthy weight goals.
Swimming Protect your joints
Since being in water reduces the load on all joints, swimming is a great choice of exercise if you are pregnant, overweight or suffering from joint pain or disease. Swimming can also be a useful exercise if you are recovering from certain injuries and developing muscles and building endurance without burdening your joints. Some people with diseases suggest that they experience less joint pain and stiffness due to their swimming habits. If you’re in good shape, adding swimming to your fitness program will give your joints a break from exercises like walking, running, cycling and cycling that are loaded.
Improve heart and lung health
As with other aerobic exercises that use the heart and lungs, swimming takes up many muscle groups and increases the heart’s ability to pump blood throughout the body. Because your heart is a muscle, the bigger it becomes, the faster it beats; As the heart pumps harder and breathing increases, the lungs become more muscular as it delivers more oxygen to the blood and muscles.
To make the most of your time in the pool, swimming should not be complicated or simple. Swim for 20 minutes or more at medium or high speed to build and keep your heart rate on target. If you want to maintain weight and improve your fitness, swim or perform other aerobic activity five times a week, keeping your target heart rate zone from 45 to 60 minutes.
Since swimming is not disturbed, it will last a lifetime. If you search the United States Masters Swimming website for the age category of swimming competitions, you can find the age category from 90 to 104 years old! And fitness champion Jack La, who died in 2011, continued to swim at the age of 93 every day for an hour.