Quotes About Justice And Mercy That You Ought To Know

Quotes about Justice are often used to illustrate why something is just or unjust. They can also be used to provide examples about how to behave in similar situations in the future. Often people reference quotes about justice when discussing issues that involve the taking of life, liberty or property. There are many different types of justice and these include innocent, defendable, redistributive, and corrective.
One of the most famous quotes about justice is written by Jesus of Nazareth, who said, “God is love. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. If we walk the road with light upon our feet, we will find rest.” The second verse says, “If you want to reign as king, establish justice in the courts; bind the weak with burdens; free the captive from his bonds.” Jesus continued to quote this passage from the Bible many times over throughout his career. Disraeli likewise used this quote often in his reign over Israel.
Another well-known quote about justice is written by the British statesman, Edmund Burke. He said, “The people who could enjoy its liberty without protecting that liberty against the invasions of lawlessness from among themselves would be sorry.” Burke went on to say, “The remedy for this evil consists in restoring to the States, not their citizens, the confidence which they ought to exercise for their safety. The only reliance which they have on themselves is that they can trust God.”
Many different modern writers have taken up the challenge of writing excellent quotes about social justice. Two popular authors who have had lasting impacts on society are Jean Piaget and Edith Grossman. Jean Piaget became famous for his “Theory of Cognitive Therapy” which examined how we can create ourselves. Piaget’s basic premise was that our thoughts determine our behavior. Therefore, if we change the way we think, it is possible to alter our behavior as well.
Another great quote on equality of justice is written by Martin Luther King, Jr. King said, “We have to come to the realization that true justice means equal justice.” “In fact,” he went on to say “the wages of innocence are worth the pains of death.” This is one of the most inspirational words ever spoken by a man leading an entire nation. The famous civil rights leader went on to say, “We cannot afford to repress ideas or to ignore facts. Only free speech can help to bring truth to light.”
One of the greatest quotes on equality of mercy comes from the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, “If you want to have eternal life, do as I say.” Many people have argued that this passage about the virtue of mercy does not support the notion of mercy.
However, there are many other quotes about justice and mercy that clearly show both of these concepts are interconnected. For example, the very first chapter of the Gospel of Luke outlines God’s plan for humanity, and includes a description of the Tower of David, with its twelve gates, with gates in which the righteous should enter, and twelve servants who will guard them. The next chapter of the Gospel of Luke, after recounting the great wonders that took place at the Crucifixion, reveals that there were three stones cut out of the cross which were given to the children of Jesus.
In addition to the above quotes about forgiveness and capital punishment, we also learn that all criminals will be eventually restored to happiness. In today’s United States, many lawyers believe that the death penalty is necessary to deter crime. However, there are also many lawyers who believe that we need to rethink the death penalty, or even abolish it. The best quotes about justice and mercy, that one can find can certainly serve as a guide to deciding how we, as a society, should respond when someone we love is put to death. Some may view this as an easy choice, while others may feel deeply conflicted about the fact that their loved one’s life was taken away for a crime they did not commit.