What Is Spirulina Powder Good For?
Spirulina powder supplements is a potent source of nutrients. It contains a powerful plant-based protein called phycocynin. This may have antioxidant, pain-relief, anti-inflammatory, and brain-protective properties in the research shows. Many antioxidants in spirulina have anti-inflammatory effects in the body. A Spirulina Powder Supplement will generally provide 100 percent of the daily recommended allowance for all vitamins and minerals.
Spirulina Nutrition Information:
- Spirulina Is Extremely High in Many Nutrients.
• Powerful Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties.
• Can Lower “Bad” LDL and Triglyceride Levels.
• Protects “Bad” LDL Cholesterol From Oxidation.
• May Have Anti-Cancer Properties.
• May Reduce Blood Pressure.
• Improves Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis.
• May Be Effective Against Anemia.
People often mix it with yogurts, juices, and smoothies to improve its flavor because spirulina has a bitter taste, So it is commonly available as a supplement at health food stores.But most people don’t get enough in their diet but it is also responsible for producing protein and creating energy.
One Tablespoon Of Spirulina Contains:
• Calories: 20
• Protein: 4 grams
• Fat: 1 gram
• Carbohydrates: 2 grams
• Fiber: 0 grams
• Sugar: 0 grams
Spirulina Is A Good Source Of:
• Thiamine ( v itamin B1)
• Riboflavin ( v itamin B2)
• Niacin ( v itamin B3)
• Copper
• Iron
Spirulina Capsule and Powder-side Effects And Benefits?
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) says there is not enough scientific evidence to determine if Spirulina is effective in treating any health conditions.
- There is not enough evidence to determine if Spirulina powder supplements can help digestion or weight
- It is there enough evidence to determine whether Spirulina treats memory problems, anxiety or depression. Spirulina is rich in nutrients,in the average daily vitamin some of which aren’t found.
- Spirulina contains significant amounts of calcium, niacin, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and iron according to the ( Food and Drug Administration) FDA . Because of having essential amino acids (compounds that are the building blocks of proteins). We should know protein makes up about 60 to 70 percent of Spirulina’s dry weight.
- Antioxidants are compounds that help combat cell and DNA damage that leads to cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases.
- The body makes some antioxidants, and others gets in food.
- Spirulina may weaken the effect of immunosuppressant’s, which are often prescribed to treat autoimmune conditions and prevent the body from rejecting organ transplants.
- Spirulina may also interfere with drugs that slow blood clotting, including blood thinners such as warfarin as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) pain medications. If spirulina combines with herbal supplements which slow blood clotting will increase a person’s risk of bleeding. Those herbs include different products like cloves, danshen, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, ginseng and turmeric, according to the NIH.
- Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should avoid spirulina since there is a lack of safety studies in this group.
- People who have the genetic condition phenylketonuria should also avoid Spirulina, as it may aggravate their condition, according to the NIH.
It is best to consult a doctor and follow instructions on all supplements to avoid unsafe doses. Because there are not enough studies to establish a safe dose range of spirulin.
Spirulina made with the purest sort of 100% natural spirulina powder, to fulfil the daily requirement of protein, vitamin & minerals of well being. Therefore, spirulina is being considered as superfood.A standard daily dose of spirulina is 1–3 grams, but doses of up to 10 grams per day are used effectively.Although few adverse effects are related to the utilization of spirulina, consuming spirulina may cause headaches, allergies , muscle pain, sweating, and insomnia in some cases. People with allergies to seafood, seaweed, and other sea vegetables should avoid spirulina.Spirulina may be a potent source of nutrients. It contains a strong plant-based protein called phycocyanin. Research shows this might have antioxidant, pain-relief, anti-inflammatory, and brain-protective properties. Many antioxidants in spirulina have anti-inflammatory effects within the body.
Vitamin B supplements are a gaggle of nutrients that play many important roles in your body.Most people get the recommended amounts of those vitamins through diet alone since they’re found during a big variety of foods.However, factors like age, pregnancy, dietary choices, medical conditions, genetics, medication,gummies, and alcohol use increase the body’s demand for B vitamins.In these circumstances, supplementing with B vitamins could also be necessary.Nutritional supplements that contain all eight B vitamins are mentioned as B-complex vitamins.Here are the health benefits of B-complex vitamins also as dosage recommendations and potential side effects.