Teaching Strategies of Marzano to Improve The Effectiveness

Marzano has provided essential rules and strategies to cope with teaching issues and to improve the teaching domain with the help of his strategies of learning. He focused on fabricating the goals efficiently, which would be effective in true sense. Furthermore, with the help of analyzing data teachers can understand how to connect students to the real world with his teaching skills. Similarly, Marzano talks about the importance of classroom manners because it makes it easy for the teacher to communicate effectively. Same as the writer focused on the importance of the emotional intelligence of the teacher to understand and cope with the problems related to sensitive issues of the students. Here we study in detail.
1.Fabricate goals
The first and very essential point is to set goals that what you want to do and in what manner. According to him, the teacher needs to focus on students first before setting any goal. Visualize the individuality of every student as we know that everyone is different from another person so fabricate goals according to their need. Furthermore, a teacher needs to focus on what kind of activities or practices should be under his targeted goals. Summarize their goals according to the need of time then make notes about them that what goal should be in the priority list and what last. Similarly, generate and test hypotheses accordingly that either this goal should be in the priority list or not. This strategy of data analysis will help the teacher to secure their precious time and utilize it in other productivity. This will immensely help him to achieve his goals early.
2.Make a realistic view in class
Second and another important point is that the teacher must know how to help students to relate the real world or environment with the help of his teaching strategies. This has elaborated through Dissertation to help the UK in true sense. Try to interact with them with new stuff in the world, which will ultimately improve their capacity for understanding. They can use teaching aid to make a realistic view of their provided examples.
3.Engage them in studies
The third point is about engaging them in studies. Make that kind of strategy, which could help teachers to enchant student’s attention in the classroom. Teaching aid can help a lot in this manner, for instance, teach with the help of playing cards, use games, and other simulations to encourage them to take an interest in the classroom.
4.Create an appropriate and cooperative environment
The fourth point talks about establishing an appropriate environment in the classroom at the beginning. No one but the teacher can establish an effective learning environment by using his teaching skills which will ultimately help him to make students understand his point in a short time. Making noise in the class can deteriorate other student’s interests and behavioral attitudes in the class.
5.Emotional intelligence
The fifth point is very crucial because it talks about the teacher’s communication skills with the student. As we know that every student’s first ideals are teachers, this clearly shows that they want to adopt even minute habits of their teachers, so the teacher needs to maintain a positive attitude towards students. Moreover, they should maintain a strong and effective relationship with their students. This kind of relationship can help the teacher to understand the issues and problems of every student, and they can try to solve them accordingly or can provide true counseling to cope with their problems. Counseling can actually differ with the situation. Some students need counseling for the pursuance of their carrier while others want emotional ones. The teacher needs to fulfill their demands accordingly.
6.Exhibit high expectations
The sixth point is about communication the high expectations. The teacher should exhibit high expectations for students. This strategy will provoke them to strive. Ultimately they will take an interest in studies and behave well in the classroom.
7.Identify the individuality of students
the seventh point is about identifying different similarities in low progressive students. If a teacher would know that who else students are weak in studies, then they can try to find the reasons. After that, focus on what kind of similarities all weak students have. Try to arrange extra classes for different subjects, in which they need extra assistance from a teacher, for instance, give them extra practice questions in homework, arrange further group discussions for them and teach them differently from the classroom. Similarly encourage their peers or classmates to help them in studies if they feel comfortable in it. Try to find their different potential and encourage them to show it to others in school function or in any extracurricular activity. This strategy will increase their morale, and they would start to perform better in studies too because now they are taking an interest in school.
8.Determine the area of improvement
The eighth point is about to identify the area of improvement. Everyone in this world has strengths and weaknesses, so the teacher could also have. The important thing to focus by them that what are those weaknesses and how to cope with them. Another important point is that they should be energetic to minimize those. Administration and management personnel can help teachers to identify these problems by giving their feedback to them. This feedback can help them to improvise their skills and utilize their capabilities in true sense.
By Author
Martha Williamson is a freelance writer who is offering Assignment Writing Service. She is fluent in writing blogs related to sociology, management, emotions, and psychology. She has done a bachelor’s in Psychology from Cambridge University. She has been part of the MyAssignmentHelps for the past ten years.