Which Medicine for Joint Pain Should You Use?

The best medicine for joint pain would be one which utilizes only natural and safe herbal extracts as ingredients. Do not patronize the abuse of chemically synthesized pharmaceuticals as treatments for joint pains. Always check out the label of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAID), and over-the-counter pain medications. The use of NSAID for more severe forms of arthritis can be potentially deadly.
Joints are connected to a series of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and other connective tissues with a network of nerves that provide the connection between all these body tissues and to organs. When the parts of the body are damaged or inflamed due to injury or through chronic conditions such as arthritis, the immune system automatically sends white blood cells to the affected areas in an attempt to fight off infection. The white blood cells also damage the tissues around the joints causing redness, swelling, and inflammation. These symptoms are often worse when the body tissues surrounding the best medicine for joint pain are damaged or inflamed.
Inflammatory processes:
Arthritis occurs when the cartilage that naturally exists within joints and throughout the body is worn away by inflammatory processes. Common causes are repetitive trauma (e.g., an auto accident), mechanical stress caused by aging (e.g., bending over and lifting heavy objects), Stomach care and natural causes (e.g., standing too long at work or sitting in a slouched position). Inflammation and swelling cause the cartilage to breakdown. In turn, the body tissue surrounding the area deteriorates as well, leaving the ends of the bones and connective tissues susceptible to further damage. This deterioration occurs at the site of the inflammation or swelling, resulting in pain and loss of function. When the body tissues surrounding a joint are damaged, synovial fluid moves from the synovial cavity to the joint, bringing in protective nutrients that help repair the damaged tissue.
Some of the most common drugs used in the best herbal medicine treatment of joint pains are non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs). NSAIDs reduce the aches and discomfort from arthritis by suppressing the immune system’s ability to produce a chemical called prostaglandin. This compound is associated with the development of the pain-provoking symptoms of arthritis. As a result, patients take NSAIDs to manage their arthritic aches and pains. For example, naproxen, Indocin, and ibuprofen are the most common NSAIDs used to treat osteoarthritis.
Joint pains associated with arthritis:
In addition to NSAIDs, some doctors also use cortisone to treat joint pains associated with arthritis. Cortisone has been shown to improve the health of the cartilage in the joints by controlling the inflammatory process and reducing the aches and pains that occur with arthritis. For example, it has been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis by controlling and suppressing the inflammatory process. This type of drug is also used to treat some forms of cancer, such as leukemia and lymphoma.
Suppressive therapy:
Doctors sometimes treat joint ailments with the suppressive therapy known as mechanical traction. This therapy involves using either a machine that provides a constant force against the joint or a vibrating instrument that applies a slight amount of traction. Traction is more effective than massage when it comes to relieving discomfort caused by soft tissue swelling, such as the aches and pains associated with arthritis. The effects of mechanical traction can be limited to a certain extent by the damage that can result from the application of the device, so it may not be suitable for all situations.
Regenerative or biologic therapies:
Finally, doctors sometimes prescribe drug-based therapies known as “regenerative” or “biologic” therapies. These drugs attempt to provide the body with substances that it needs in order to create new tissue. Commonly used regenerative drugs are glucosamine, chondroitin, and synovial fluid. These types of drug treatments have been effective for some people with moderate to severe joint pain, but their effectiveness has been put into doubt by recent reports of the negative side effects that some of these drugs cause.
Anti-inflammatory injection:
Injection medication is often the best medicine for joint pain when other treatments are not effective. If the pain is caused by inflammation, an anti-inflammatory injection can help to reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. Commonly used anti-inflammatories include ibuprofen, naproxen, and chondroitin. These drugs are able to reduce the symptoms of inflammation, but they do not have the ability to repair damaged cartilage or restore normal lubrication to joints. If you suffer from persistent joint pains despite taking these medications, you should contact your doctor to discuss other treatment options. Your doctor may suggest an alternative non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), which may be able to help reduce your symptoms, as well.