The Impact of Prison Visitation on Inmates
The Impact of Prison Visitation on Inmates
Are you aware that almost 2 million people are imprisoned within the United States?
This makes America one of the leading countries in incarceration. To get that number as low as possible, it’s important to do everything we can. You might be surprised to learn that you can help by doing something as seemingly simple as visiting a prisoner.
Are you wondering how this can make a difference? Keep reading to learn all about the impact of prison visitation on inmates.
Why Prison Visits Are Crucial
Simply put, human beings are social animals. If we’re deprived of human interaction for long periods of time, it can cause us to develop a range of mental issues, such as depression or even agoraphobia. This is especially true of prisoners who are put into solitary confinement.
That kind of inhumane treatment does nothing to help inmates reform and later become contributing members of society. However, one of the most impressive prison visitation benefits is that it can reduce recidivism. After all, inmates are human beings just like the rest of us and they crave a feeling of interconnectedness.
By visiting with friends and family members, they can get that and more. You might be asking yourself, “What about the people who have no one?” In some situations, it’s possible to visit prisoners who you don’t have a connection with.
Although it’s best to write to them first and establish an epistolary connection as a baseline. That way, an in-person visit has a much higher likelihood of going smoothly. If your local prison doesn’t allow visits in a safe environment, then you could write a letter requesting a change.
How to Make Them Safe
While there are many benefits to visiting an inmate, that doesn’t mean you should let your guard down. Depending on the nature of the crime they’ve been imprisoned for, it can be helpful to prepare for a safe visit.
In general, you shouldn’t wear any jewelry and your car keys, for instance, should stay with a prison guard until the inmate visit is over. The prison may take liberties to handcuff the inmate before you’re allowed in the room with them. Remember that this is all for the safety of both you and the inmate.
Are you wondering if you have any friends or family members you could visit in prison? The good news is that you can search for an inmate with ease.
Are You Ready to Increase Prison Visitation?
Now that you’ve learned all about the impact of prison visitation on inmates, you can make it a habit to visit your friends and family members who are serving time in prison. That way, they can avoid ending up in the same situation again after they’ve been released.
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