Are you one of the 22% of Americans who is guilty of putting off trips to the doctor? Whether you haven’t been to the doctor in years or you never miss your annual physical, it’s important to stay in tune with your body so you can pick up on the cues it gives when something is wrong.
For example, your vagus nerve is what your brain uses to communicate with your internal organs. How do you know if it’s no longer working properly? Keep reading this brief guide to learn the most common vagus nerve damage symptoms.
Depression and Anxiety
When your vagus nerve is working the way it should, it opposes your body’s fight-or-flight responses, which triggers your body to calm down when you’re not in danger. When you have vagus nerve damage, however, your body doesn’t have that sympathetic response when your fight-or-flight instinct kicks in.
As a result, you can feel hyperaroused and on edge. This can lead to an increased heart rate, insomnia, anxiety, and depression, especially if left untreated. Read this article to learn tips on how learning how to destress and how that benefits your vagus nerve.
Weight Gain
If you find that you’re gaining weight rapidly, it could be a sign that your vagus nerve function is off-kilter. Your vagus nerve plays an important role in digestion in a few ways. First of all, it regulates the secretion of insulin in your body. If you have vagus nerve damage, then your insulin levels will be off, making it easier to gain weight.
It also sends fullness signals to your brain when your body feels satiated. If your vagus nerve is no longer working the way it should, you might notice that you never feel satisfied, even after finishing a big meal. This can cause you to overeat and gain weight as a result.
Difficulty Swallowing
Also known as dysphagia, having difficulty swallowing can be as uncomfortable as it is dangerous. Swallowing happens through the use of your recurrent laryngeal nerve. If you have a vagus nerve injury near the base of your skull, it can make your recurrent laryngeal nerve weaken, making it harder for you to swallow.
In that case, contact your doctor as soon as possible.
Slow Heart Rate (Bradycardia)
Unless you’re an active athlete, having a resting heart rate below 60 beats per minute may be considered abnormally slow. When this happens, you may lose consciousness by fainting and suffer from a decreased cardiac output.
In some cases, bradycardia is a result of too much activity in your vagus nerve and can be a sign of damage to the nerve.
Pay Attention to These Vagus Nerve Damage Symptoms
After reading this brief article about some of the common vagus nerve damage symptoms, you should have a better idea of what you need to pay attention to in your body. If you notice any of the symptoms we mentioned above, it’s worth scheduling an appointment with your doctor to further investigate what could be happening.
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