It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of jaundice (jigar) in a child. But, there are a few common factors that can be attribut to its development. Some of them are: hereditary, lack of proper nutrition, underweight or overweight, and presence of other health problems like diabetes and hyperthyroidism. These factors however, cannot always be avoid. There are always possibilities that your child may develop this health problem in the future as well.
Having said that, the best causes of jaundice (jigar) in a child are often hereditary and can be prevented. In this regard, it is important that you make sure that your child eats healthy foods and has a regular dose of vitamins and supplements. Make sure that your child drinks water daily. He or she should not drink juices as they contain a lot of fructose. The best thing to do would be to offer your child plain water.
However, as we all know, vitamins and supplements can be a double edged sword. That is why it is best that your child drinks plain water throughout the day. This would eliminate traces of any unwanted chemicals or medicines from his body. One way to do this is by using a faucet filter. It will eliminate harmful traces of pollutants and toxins from your child’s drinking water.
The next best cause of jaundice (jigar ki kharabi ki alamat) is a lack of water intake. Most children under the age of six months usually develop jaundice as they grow. It can be prevented if the child gets enough water intake during the day. Consuming formula or milk especially formulated for infants and toddlers can also cause the disease as these contain fluoride.
Obesity is another known cause of jaundice (jigar) in a child. This is because the body of such an infant will not be able to process and absorb nutrients properly. This can also be prevent if you monitor your child’s weight regularly. Talk to your pediatrician regarding measures you could take in order to ensure your child is always fit.
Any toxic substance that is being consum by your child can also cause the disease. Some of the most common toxins are lead, cysts, and other heavy metals. It is important to identify all the contents of your child’s body and get rid of them if they are present. Your child’s health is priceless and should never be taken for granted.
There are many ways you can prevent the body from absorbing these harmful chemicals. The first step would be to reduce the amount of sugar and fat that is consume by your child. Foods rich in these ingredients are easily convert into fats which can further clog up the liver. You should also limit the amount of alcohol that your child consumes. Alcohol has been known to have adverse effects on the liver.
When looking for a cause of jaundice (jigar), it is best to visit your doctor. He will be able to provide you with the correct diagnosis. If you feel that something is not adding up, you should certainly consult a professional who can assist you in uncovering the culprit. Don’t put off getting help. The longer you wait to find out the truth about what causes this disease, the harder it will be to reverse it.
You should change your child’s eating habits if you suspect he or she is suffering from this condition. Sugary and fatty foods should be eliminat from your child’s diet. Instead, opt for more nutritious foods such as vegetables and fruits. This will ensure that your child is receiving the proper nutrients that he or she needs on a regular basis.
The best causes of jaundice are usually easy to identify. It is best to be vigilant and keep a watchful eye on your child’s dietary habits. You should also try to avoid introducing new food into his or her diet. As much as possible, you should limit your child’s exposure to sunlight, which is a known cause of jaundice. Try to limit your child’s participation in activities that produce direct ultraviolet rays, such as tanning beds and sunless tanning booths.
If you think you may have identified what causes your child to develop jaundice (jigar ki kharabi ki alamat), it is wise to get a thorough diagnosis from your doctor. This way, your doctor will be able to recommend the best treatment options for your child. Although you may have identify one or two causes of jaundice. it is never a good idea to leave things untreat until you are confident that the disease has been diagnos correctly.