What Are the Different Types of Pesticides That Exist Today?

When you deal with insects and other pests destroying your garden, crops, trees, or flowers, people use pesticides. When you head to the nursery to purchase the poison, you might be overwhelmed by all the different types of pesticides.
The kind you choose has a major impact on the pests, your garden, and even your pets and children. We’ll examine the best pesticides for various applications and why they are the ones you need. Whether it is organic pesticides for the farming industry or your own backyard, we have all the information you need.
Types of Pesticides: Chemical Pesticides
Scientists create chemical pesticides in a lab and not from natural products. Organophosphate pesticides impact the pest’s nervous system. They interrupt the acetylcholine transmitter in insects.
Scientists developed them more than a century ago. Some were used in World War II as nerve gas. These are very dangerous for both insects and humans.
Organochlorine insecticides aren’t used much throughout the world. They impact the environment and animals.
The most common of these was DDT, which people used for decades throughout the U.S. Many countries outlawed DDT.
Pyrethroid pesticides are similar to their natural counterpart pyrethrin but use synthetic materials. Some of these pesticides harm people, but modification has made them more stable for the environment.
Scientists consider pesticides that use natural or organic materials as biopesticides. Many materials we use every day such as canola oil and baking soda have some type of pesticide properties.
Microbial pesticides are bacteria, fungi, or other small organisms that impact several kinds of common pests. For example, a fungus kills insects, but the most commonly used is bacteria.
Scientists create plant-incorporated protectants through genetic manipulation. They use a gene from one plant and then add it to the genetic material of another. This causes harm to the pests or strengthens the plant against them.
Biochemical pesticides are naturally occurring and control pests using non-toxic elements. These include insect pheromones to interfere with mating and scented extracts that lure insects into traps. Since it’s difficult to determine if a pesticide is biochemical, there is a special committee of the Environmental Protection Agency dedicated to it.
Pesticides By Pest
Pesticides can also be categorized by what they kill. For example, antifouling agents kill organisms that attach to boat bottoms. Attractants lure insects to traps.
While these may fit into the above categories, they are individualized because of the specific pest they kill or how they kill. Ovicides kill insect eggs and rodenticides kill rodents. Companies such as marronebio.com help determine the best pesticide for you.
Choose the Best for Your Needs
With so many types of pesticides available, you must choose one that fits your needs and doesn’t hurt the environment, pets, or people.
If you want to learn more about pesticides, then please explore our site.