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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 700 million people worldwide suffer from mental disorders. And, first of all among the most common psychiatric illnesses in the world, depression is second only to spinal problems when it comes to withdrawal from professional activities.
The lack of attention to mental health, neglected for so many years in public disease prevention campaigns, has also proved detrimental to the economy.
7 Most Common Psychiatric Illnesses
In fact, of the ten main causes of professional incapacity, five are linked to neuropsychiatric disorders. But after all, what are the most common psychiatric diseases in the world and how is it possible to treat them? That’s what you’re going to find out now!
Deemed number one among the most disabling psychiatric illnesses in the world, depression affects more than 300 million people. That is, 4% of the global population.
The disorder is characterized by a feeling of deep, intense and prolonged sadness, with no apparent or disproportionate cause to the event. In addition, the disorder is also recognized by the lack of interest in activities that previously provided joy or pleasure.
Treatment is carried out with drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist and must be complemented with psychotherapy sessions.
Burnout syndrome
Depressive mental disorder is characterized by intense physical and mental exhaustion directly linked to professional performance, which causes excessive stress and symptoms such as nervousness, dizziness, psychological suffering, headaches, changes in appetite, sleep, need for social isolation and feeling of hopelessness and failure.
The treatment of Burnout Syndrome is usually coordinated by a psychiatrist, who usually recommends the use of antidepressants combined with psychotherapy sessions.
Panic Syndrome
Pains in the chest, shortness of breath, a feeling of imminent death even though there is no apparent danger: such is the Panic Syndrome. The disease affects more than 280 million people worldwide, according to WHO data.
The concern that new bouts of acute fear will occur at any time and the panic of losing control or going crazy usually causes a series of disorders in the lives of people with the disease. This causes them to stop performing their daily activities for fear of this happening.
Treatment for Panic Syndrome lasts at least six months and is prescribed by the psychiatrist. He uses drugs such as antidepressants combined with behavioral therapies guided by psychologists.
Another disorder on the list of the most occurring psychiatric diseases in the world is schizophrenia. The disease makes it difficult to correctly judge reality and can cause hallucinations, delusions and disconnected thoughts.
People with mental disorders can still face great difficulty in interacting with people and gradually lose their affectivity. This has a severe impact on their quality of life and their social and professional capacity.
Schizophrenia affects about 1% of the world population and requires treatment for life. The psychiatrist usually prescribes antipsychotics and other supporting drugs and recommends behavioral psychotherapy sessions for reintegration into society. In more severe cases, hospitalization of the disease carrier may be recommended.
Generalized anxiety disorder
It is characterized by nervousness and intense, long-lasting and disproportionate preoccupation with anticipated issues or situations.
A generalized anxiety disorder differs from anxiety episodes – normal emotion at a new fact, such as starting a new job or expecting a trip, for example. And because they are uncontrollable, they also manifest themselves in simple situations and for a period of more than 6 months, even hindering the performance of daily activities.
The treatment of the disorder is usually performed with the use of anxiolytic drugs accompanied by psychotherapy sessions, which help to alleviate the condition.
Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric illness characterized mainly by constant mood swings, with alternation between periods of euphoria or mania with others of depression.
These alternations can happen quickly, slowly, more or less frequently. This makes it impossible to determine a pattern that suits all people with the disorder.
In periods of mania, there is an exaltation of mood and increased energy without any relation to events or actions.
In addition to euphoric mood, the person with bipolar disorder can easily become irritated at this stage, also showing outbursts of anger or fury, agitation, impulsivity, inattention and obsession with certain subjects.
The depressive period, on the other hand, is characterized by slowness of thought and motor, changes in sleep and appetite, depressed mood, lack of initiative or pleasure with activities that previously seemed to like.
The diagnosis usually takes a long time to happen, since usually, the person with bipolar disorder believes he is healthy. In more severe cases, treatment may involve hospitalization, and it is usually carried out with medications for mood control and behavioral therapy.
Disorders related to the use of psychoactive substances
Finally, disorders related to the use of psychoactive substances, such as alcohol and drugs, also figure as one of the most common psychiatric illnesses in the world.
This group includes all disorders that have varying severity, characteristics and symptoms but have in common the fact that they are attributed to the use of one or more psychoactive substances, whether legal or illegal.
Treatment for this type of disorder will depend on the severity and type of substance that caused the problem, but it usually involves the use of medication and therapy. In severe cases, the patient can be admitted to a specialized clinic to ensure the removal of the substance that causes the compulsion.
Treatment Possibilities Of Psychiatric Illnesses
The treatment possibilities are numerous. From humanized actions to attending psychology and psychiatric clinic to make more accurate diagnoses, so that the individual is less and less ill.
Psychic diseases deserve care, such as:
Psychological treatments;
Medicinal treatments;
Accompaniments with appropriate professionals;
Alternative therapies;
Do you want to understand more about mental illness and its impact on an individual’s personal and professional life? Meet the specialization in psychological and psychiatrists in Islamabad at Islamabad Psychiatric Clinic & Rehabilitation Center.