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What Complications Happens During Hair Restoration?

Hair loss tends to lower our self-esteem when it attacks us. No one wants to have patchy hair growth or a balding head. However, out of nowhere, hair starts falling out, and you are left with no choice but to look for the best hair restoration treatment. Although there are several treatment options available, a hair transplant is the most effective. 

Hair transplant surgery is more one of the safest out-patient treatments. If you want to get this procedure, you don’t need to worry about major side effects and risks. However, since it involves a surgical process, there are several risks that you need to know about. This post will discuss some of these complications. Read on for more insights on hair restoration surgery.  

Risk of Scarring

Many people always want to know whether the hair transplant procedure produces a scar. Once skin is cut or injured, it undergoes a process called “fibrosis” to heal itself. This process is also known as scarring. When it comes to hair restoration through surgery, it produces tiny healing sites where hair was transplanted. These scars are hardly noticeable, even in close range. Hair restoration through surgery is done to produce a more natural look at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration. 

Scar size around the donor area – the back of the head where hair is harvested – depends on several factors. Two of these factors include the surgeon’s technique to carry out the procedure and the patient’s healing ability. The FUE hair transplant procedure will leave many tiny circular scars on the donor area. If the surgeon uses the FUT technique, then a linear scar will occur in the donor site. 

Caution should be applied when the patient wants to have a procedure that leaves no scars. Scars are inevitable, especially when dealing with a medical procedure that involves cutting the skin. A scar is necessary because this is just how the body heals itself. 

Potential Complications and Side Effects in a Hair Transplant Surgery 

Depending on the clinic and surgeon performing the treatment, temporal or minor side effects and complications may occur. These complications are mentioned below:


After the system, the patient may experience mild swelling. This should not worry the patient because it’s quite normal. In quite a few cases, the forehead may swell for several days after the hair transplant surgery. This swelling may sometimes cause the lower eyelids to bruise or swell. The “black eye” is quite rare, with only 1% of cases being reported two or four days after surgery. If the swelling persists, contact the clinic.


Bleeding normally occurs around the stitches in the donor site. However, the bleeding is quite slight. In case you experience bleeding after surgery, place some gauze on the area and try to elevate your head. Once you have done that, use your palm to apply constant pressure for about 10 minutes. Heavy or persistent bleeding is quite rare and only occurs once in hundreds of procedures. 

The surgery area may bleed if a graft is dislodged. If this happens, use a tissue to apply pressure. If your efforts to stop the bleeding do not bear any fruits, contact the doctor who performed the guidance procedure. 


Pain or mild discomfort is bound to be there after the procedure. However, you can relieve this pain with pain-relieving medication that the doctor prescribes after the surgery. Since doctors BHHR use advanced hair restoration techniques, the patient hardly suffers from pain or discomfort. Therefore, strong pain relievers are not necessary. 


Numbness is a common occurrence after surgery. However, it will not last for long. It usually occurs in the donor of the receiving site. This should not worry you since it is not troublesome and it will only last for three to eight weeks. 


Doctors from Beverly Hills Hair Restoration clinic conduct the hair transplant surgery in a hygienic environment, observing all safety standards. This is to prevent any infection during or after the surgery. In case of any infection, the patient can use antibiotics to treat the infected area. If you feel prolonged tenderness, pain, or notice significant redness, contact your doctor. 

Thinning of Pre-Existing Hair

It hardly occurs but, some pre-existing hair may stop growing even after the surgery. This should not affect any alarm since it is only temporary. In a few months after the surgery, it will return to normal. 


If you are suffering from hair loss, the best thing to do before opting for any hair restoration option is to consult a specialist doctor. Not all procedures work for every patient. After the experiment, the doctor will advise you on the most appropriate hair loss treatment to minimize complications or side effects. 

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