Angular JS is a well-known JavaScript framework for creating dynamic web app development. For developing code, it uses directives that are reusable as modular and HTML for template development. Flipside of the coin Angular is a prominent open-source JavaScript framework. It provides a hierarchy based architecture through components that is directive with templates.
Following are the Features of AngularJS:
- Angular JS has controllers a JavaScript functions that are bound to specific case & scope. All you need to do is Hire Angular JS developers and start your project.
- Angular JS provides you data binding. It is the programmed synchronization of the data between view and model components. Angular JS presents several inbuilt services to fulfill web app development needs such as HTTP to create XML HTTP Requests.
- Angular JS routing transfers the views, providing you the simple solutions. As we know, it uses directives for DOM foundations like attributes, data, elements, CSS, and more. These can make customized HTML tags that may serve as new widgets. It has inbuilt directives, namely ngBind and ngModel.
- MVW (Model View Whatever) is a pattern for separating data apps into parts called model, view, and controller. Each of these parts is distinctive with accountabilities. However, it does not devise MVC in traditional style, but is near to MVVM model (model-view-ViewModel).
Following are the Features of Angular:
- Angular develops native web apps through approaching Native Script.
- Angular uses web policy and compatibility to convey app like capabilities, offline, performance, and zero-step installation.
- Angular provides you the command-line tools that aid in adding tests, components, and other related things for code deployment.
- You can create UI views in Angular with strong, simple, and quick template syntax values.
- Angular helps you to create complex, high-performance animations timeline and documentation with less adoption of code through Angular in-built API.
The following point depicts the aspects of Angular vs AngularJS in detail:
- Angular uses components and directives.
- Angular built mobile support applications.
- Angular code is written in Microsoft TypeScript.
- It uses a hierarchical dependency injection system.
- The Angular team uses @RouteConfiguration {(…)} to define routing information.
- ( ) and [ ] attributes are used for two way binding between view and model.
- Angular code has a better structure, and it is easy to create and manage large applications.
- AngularJS code is not mobile-friendly.
- AngularJS code is written in Javascript.
- They do not use a dependency injection system.
- Angular.js works on MVC (Model-View-Controller) design.
- AngularJS development team uses @routeProvider.when ( ),for configuration and routing information.
- [{ }} expressions are used for two way binding between view and model. Special methods ng-bind can also do the same.
Note: “Generally, I prefer Angular JS because it is a robust framework. Angular JS is used to develop scalable client-side web apps by saving your time and cost.”
Final Thoughts:
From the above it’s clear why Angular and Angular JS both are ruling the tech market. Google maintains both the frameworks and eventually, they both have extensive community support. If you are looking to enhance your web development? Feel free to contact Shiv Technolabs Pvt. Ltd, one of the top Angular Development Company for more details.