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Why Do Dental Implants Fail?

Why Do Dental Implants Fail?

According to a recent study, turning to dental implants as a solution for a crack, broken or missing tooth has become a popular trend. And when placed correctly, they can last a lifetime. They’re amazing!

But not every dental implant will last a lifetime for every patient. What about you? Are you wondering why do dental implants fail?

If you’ve researched dental implants, you probably know that several factors influence their ability to remain in place for years. Keep reading to understand why dental implants can fail sometimes.

You May Have Had Poor-Quality Dental Implants

One thing to remember is that dental implants aren’t an exact science. In fact, the dental implant system you had placed might not live up to the manufacturer’s claims.

There are several reasons that this happens. If your dentist used poor-quality materials, the implant might break or fail to integrate properly into your jawbone.

It could also be that your dentist didn’t follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the procedure. If so, the dental implant may not have been placed as it should have been, and your mouth rejected it. Either way, before trusting any dentist, do your research and choose a highly qualified professional such as Dr. Suzanne Caudry.

You May Have Placed the Dental Implants Too Close to Your Mouth’s Limits

You must understand the implant site and its proximity to your other oral structures. If your dentist placed the dental implants too far into your gums, you might have had a periodontal flap or a peri-implantitis (gum disease) flare-up.

In the case of a peri-implantitis flare-up, you would have noticed that your gums became inflamed and swollen. The flared area would have been red and perhaps even painful. If you have a periodontal flap, the exposed root of your tooth would have been exposed, leading to a foul smell and taste.

You May Have Chosen a Bad Location for Your Dental Implant(s)

Dental implants can be placed on the upper and lower teeth. If you have several dental implants, it’s important to note that not all areas of the mouth are able to accommodate an implant.

Dental implants work best when placed in a healthy mouth, without pockets (or the spaces between your teeth and gums). While the upper teeth aren’t as fussy, dental implants in the lower jaw are more likely to fail.

If your dentist places implants too close to your wisdom teeth, for example, they may be difficult to clean. Further, the dentist might not have been able to place the dental implant correctly, leading to an early failure of the tooth in the future.

You May Have Failed to Attend Post-Op Dentist Visits

It’s important that you see your dentist immediately after the dental implant procedure. You’ll need to have the site checked and cleaned to ensure that the implant integrates properly into your jawbone. It’s also crucial to care for your gums, as they’re healing from the trauma of the procedure.

Your dentist may give you antibiotics if your gums are inflamed, along with instructions for cleaning the area. While on antibiotics, you’ll need to avoid certain foods, as they may irritate the spot further.

You’ll want to ensure that you continue seeing your dentist for follow-up visits. First, your dentist will be able to examine the progress of the dental implants, ensuring that they’re integrating correctly and that your gums are healing. Second, your dentist can help you manage any gum issues that might arise.

Or, You Might’ve Used the Wrong Type of Material in the Attachment

When your dental implants are ready for attachment, your dentist will use a type of cement. The cement is used to fuse the implant to the attachment. You can expect to use a different type of cement for each attachment.

Depending on the type of implant you have, you may have a ceramic implant. This type of implant has a gem-like appearance and is typically used to replace a single tooth.

When using a ceramic dental implant, it’s important to note that the ceramic itself isn’t cement. Instead, it’s a substrate that is placed on the tooth itself. This substrate will attach to the implant, and if it’s made of poor quality, it may simply fall off.

A Compromised Blood Supply

Dental implants require a healthy blood supply. Your dentist will need to run a few tests to ensure that your blood vessels are healthy.

If they aren’t, or if they have been compromised in any way, you might not be able to get dental implants. If you have a blood vessel issue that goes untreated, you may find that your dental implant fails because of a lack of blood supply.

Age of the Patient

Your dental health may decline with age, making you less likely to respond well to a dental implant. Additionally, your oral health and habits, such as the use of tobacco, may increase your risk of complications. It’s important to be honest with your dentist about your habits and overall health.

Why Do Dental Implants Fail—Revealed

Now that we’ve answered the question “why do dental implants fail?” it’s important to note that most failures occur because of the lack of care and maintenance of the patient.

Dental implants can be an effective, long-lasting solution to missing teeth with proper care. If you’d like more dental-related advice and tips, be sure to keep reading through our website!

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