Yoga For Seniors – The Secret to Staying Fit In The Golden Years

Yoga For Seniors – If you believe that yoga is only for the young and fit, think again. Whether you are an adolescent or a married individual, your body and mind need to rejuvenate from time to time. Out of every type of exercise, yoga is the only natural way to help you not just stay fit but also keep mental stress at bay.
Since you can lift weights only until a certain age, yoga gives you the best route to stay fit during the golden years. There are numerous poses of yoga for senior beginners that help them maintain muscle and joint health in old age. However, first, let us understand how exactly yoga helps you stay fit when you become a senior.
6 Reasons to Do Yoga in Later Years
The practice of yoga has reached every corner of the planet owing to its numerous mental, physical, and spiritual benefits. It is helpful for you as a senior citizen as it lets you stay healthy in the later years.
With that said, given below are six reasons to inspire you to practice yoga in later years.
1. Improves Balance
Falling is one of the major concerns and reasons for injury in old age. The practice of yoga asanas during this time strengthens your muscles. It enhances your body balance which improves the overall quality of your life.
2. Improves Joint Health
A major benefit of doing yoga during your golden years is it keeps your joints flexible by increasing their range of motion. In other words, yoga in old age helps you prevent numerous painful conditions like osteoporosis.
3. Strengthens Cardiovascular System
You practice yoga in a peaceful and serene environment which helps minimize stress by reducing the amount of stress-related hormone in your body and mind. Moreover, slow breathing during yoga sessions calms down your cardiovascular system.
4. Chance to Socialize
Practicing yoga in group settings gives you the chance to meet like-minded individuals and increase your social circle. You get an opportunity to meet new individuals and form new relationships while practicing the different asanas of yoga for senior beginners.
5. Better Sleep At Night
Old age also comes with another major health problem and that is a continuous disturbance in your sleeping patterns. However, regular yoga practice of yoga helps your body and mind relax for you to enjoy that deep sleep.
6. Minimizes Risk Of Depression
You might not know yoga does offers a multitude of benefits. The combination of body movements with the right breathing technique maintains your overall well-being. Plus, learning yoga in a class of other like-minded individuals helps you not just enjoy a good social life it helps you relax.
Now, let us find out which yoga poses you can practice to stay fit in golden years.
5 Yoga Poses To Stay Fit In Old Age
There are specific yoga poses that can help you enjoy good health even in later years. Given below are the five yoga poses for elders and how they benefit you in old age.
1. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
Hip problems are the most common health problems in old age. The Triangle Pose strengthens and stretches your hips. It also controls your blood pressure.
2. Badhakonasana (Butterfly Pose)
The Butterfly Pose clears your bowel movement which improves digestion. It also stretches your thighs and knees, thereby reducing joint stiffness and pain.
3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Cobra Pose is the best yoga for beginners especially seniors. It improves blood circulation which weakens as you age. This yoga asana also strengthens your back and shoulders, thereby giving you more energy in the golden years.
4. Marjariasana (Cat-Stretch Pose)
Marjariasana makes your spine flexible and releases back pain. It also tones your abdomen and relaxes your mind. In short, you develop flexibility and get to live a stress-free life in old age.
5. Shishuasana (Child Pose)
Child Pose is the easiest yoga pose and offers tremendous benefits. This yoga asana calms down the nervous system and relaxes your back, thereby relieving you of backache.
Old age brings a lot of health problems which impact not just your body but also the mind. However, practicing the five poses of yoga for seniors beginners mentioned above will help you enjoy a pain-free life.
If you love reading, you can read Yoga Sutras. Apart from the above-mentioned five tenets of yoga, you learn how to live a yogic life. You can implement what you learn to have a perfect life.