7 Factors That Drive Up the Cost of Developing an Android App

How much does it cost to develop an android app? It’s one of the most frequently asked questions among Android users, and it’s especially popular among business owners who want to launch their own Android app but can’t afford an expensive price tag. If you want to know exactly how much developing an Android app costs, this blog will provide you with a detailed breakdown of the factors contributing to the final price tag.
1) Android Application Development Location
The location where you will hire your developers is important, because of time zone and cultural differences. For example, it can take 10–15% longer to develop software in India than in Europe or North America, because time zones and development cultures are different.
This factor also relates to language used – it’s much more likely that a software developer located in Asia will use English as a second language than would be true if he or she was located somewhere else. Ideally, you’ll want your developers to be as close as possible to you so there are fewer communication barriers between them and yourself.
2) Technology Stack Decided For Development
The First Thing to Consider While Choosing a Technology Stack is Having a Good Knowledge of Your Target Audience and Their Preference. In some cases, your development team decides what technology stack you are going to use in-house; on other cases you will outsource app development. You can choose either Java or Objective C and there is not really any decisive evidence that one of them delivers better results.
However, if we talk about user experience, some developers claim that native apps outperform cross-platform ones when it comes to performance and UX. The recent data revealed by Gartner states that most enterprises prefer using hybrid mobile app development because it makes it possible for them to keep costs under control.
3) The complexity of an app
When developing apps for mobile devices, complexity is king. The more complex your app, or what’s known as app functionality, affects development costs on many levels. Complexity relates to how often a certain action happens in your app and how it works in different scenarios. For example, if you’ve developed a messaging app, then you want to build in security features and ways of communicating with friends without spamming them with messages 24/7.
Complexity can also include other factors such as layout requirements and graphics incorporated into multiple versions of your app or client-side coding versus server-side coding (for instance). This can be offset by keeping costs down through collaboration with a cross-functional team who has worked together before on similar projects because they will understand what complexity will entail early on.
4) Size of Development Team
As with any software project, one of the major drivers to cost is developer time. Although Java skills are generally abundant and cheap, maintaining a small development team allows you to keep costs down while still delivering apps quickly. Most companies typically develop their apps in-house (i.e., employing their own programmers). This approach can be advantageous because developers who work on a product for years will become better at it over time, but outsourcing may be cheaper and speed up development if your app doesn’t require too much coding.
Whenever possible, use multiple contractors so that each worker has more incentive to perform well. And remember that fast isn’t always synonymous with cheap. Some firms provide services by leveraging their expertise rather than relying heavily on development resources; they might deliver high-quality code faster than other firms do, even though they charge higher rates as a result.
5) Type and Category of App
There are many factors that contribute to the cost of developing an Android app, with the type and category of an app being key. A basic information or utility app is far less complex and therefore far less expensive than an app in a highly competitive category like gaming or dating. Likewise, games and other interactive apps can require a lot more testing time if they have features like animations, extensive use of social media integration, voice controls or chatbots.
A higher price point doesn’t necessarily equate to better quality either—many cheap apps get high ratings because they execute well on their single function. In some cases, companies will even offer two versions of their apps: one for high-end devices and one for low-end devices that requires fewer resources and consequently costs less to develop.
6) Android App Animation and Design
Design and animation have been a part of the Android experience since its inception. Design, in particular, is a huge factor for many developers when deciding to build for Android. With such a diverse set of screen sizes, resolutions and densities, having custom designs can be an important differentiator—or it can be costly if you don’t optimize them properly. You need to design your app with each device in mind but there are simple strategies you can employ to optimize and still achieve a unique look. For example, creating at least one alternative layout will cut down on the cost and time needed to maintain your design over time; let’s say that your app has three layouts: one for tablets, one for phones and one for both. – Hire Android App Developer
When it comes time to release a new version of your app, instead of completely redesigning each layout, try adding or removing elements from these existing layouts to allow room for new features. This takes minimal effort yet allows you enough wiggle room as technology changes or evolves so as not be pigeonholed into needing an entirely new design every year (or less). Redesigning all three versions may sound like more work than modifying one. However, consider how much more appealing users would find a redesigned interface versus simply modified content in their apps! Every dollar spent on planning and optimizing helps increase user adoption and repeat use while reducing development costs—as opposed to investing all of your time into implementing new features and code.
7) Android App Testing
As Android is the most popular OS, Android app development has become the most cost-effective method. However, it is not possible to neglect the challenges and cost associated with testing the app. Today, we are going to discuss how Android app testing affects the overall development cost. We are living in a world where there is constant demand for software and keeping up with demands is crucial for many organizations. This keeps developers from taking shortcuts.
Therefore, companies often rely on third-party testing services to ensure quality assurance of their products/services. If you have an Android app that needs testing services, contact us now! Let’s take a look at factors that drive up costs related to Android application testing:
The increased number of apps built for both personal and commercial use is one factor contributing to rising costs. In today’s competitive environment, speed plays an important role when releasing an app. Thus, shorter delivery cycles lead to higher costs because more hours must be put into developing your apps before they can be released onto Google Play or Apple Store.
Each of the factors in this blog contributes to the overall cost of developing and deploying an app. Considering each factor can help you avoid unpleasant surprises that come along with app development, while it also informs your budget and timeline decisions throughout the process. No matter what type of mobile app you’re looking to develop, we will be there every step of the way with our leading app development services and products.
To learn more about us for mobile and internet applications, or if you’re ready to get started on your own project, contact us today! Android App Development Company