A Complete Guide On Viscose Linen Stretch Printing
Viscose Linen Stretch Printing

Fabric with viscose linen stretch printing is the widely popular fabric in the entire textile market for its outstanding perks, yet it is the most budget-friendly material available in the market these days. One can found it in taffeta, cotton, and luxurious velvet. This fabric material is often used in making feminine hygiene products and tire cords.
The term “viscose” has been derived from how this fiber is made, a gooey natural fluid used to make both rayon and cellophane. However, it is also known as counterfeit silk.
Insight & Properties of Viscose Linen Fabric
Viscose is renowned as a leading source of manufacturing fiber, which was first produced as a cheap alternative to silk in 1883. Nevertheless, manufacturing viscose fabric begins with wood pulp, with some other chemical and manufacturing techniques that helped make it.
To make a viscose fabric and make it more confront in daily wearing & washing, it has to be treated artificially. The reused wood mash is treated with synthetic substances including; alkali, scathing pop, CH3)2CO and sulfuric corrosive. Viscose has a texture, which comes from a characteristic and maintainable source, yet made with synthetics.
Notable Properties of Viscose Fabric
The physical properties of viscose mainly rely on how the fibers of this material have been shaped. The texture can be polished or matt, lightweight or substantial, finished or smooth. 100% thick appears to be like silk — it is hazy and polished. To lessen the common shine, unique tangling synthetics are applied.
The fabric has lots of pros:
- Soft to touch
- The dyeing technology enables maximum color penetration into fibers
- If correctly dyed, it doesn’t fade in the sun
- Lighter than cotton
- It absorbs twice more moisture than cotton
- Highly durable when dry
- Good at retaining body heat
- It needs no remarkable recycling
- Non-allergenic
- Hygienic
On the flip side, the viscose linen fabric often gets affected by water, high temperature, or ultraviolet radiation, primarily if these factors act in the meantime. For this reason, this fabric is often imparted with chemical antioxidants and filters which protect viscose fibers from ultraviolet early in the production stage.
Pros & Cons of viscose fabric
- Made using pure & natural viscose
- Light in weight
- soft
- tender
- well-drapable
- silky lustrous
- quite durable in a dry state
Cons of Viscose Fabric
- Easily damaged in water
- prone to wrinkling
- poor crease recovery
- It may fade and disfigure during the washing interaction
- Susceptible to mildew
- Absorbs body oils, moisture which leads to discoloration and weakening of the fabric
However, though cons are less than pros, both need to take into account before considering this fabric material for any textile application.
Cotton vs. Viscose — What distinguishes Each From Other?
Viscose – Though viscose is neither a synthetic nor natural fiber, this material has a lot to offer which people expect in the best fabric; it is soft, airy, drapable, features a distinctive sheen, and feels natural against your skin. Just be careful of exposing it to water.
Cotton – We all know, cotton is breathable, soft, durable, non-allergic, and available in plenty of weave types; due to these features, it enjoys the highest popularity worldwide. If you need it particularly fine and luxurious, go for long and extra-long staple sorts, for example, Egyptian Giza 45, 87, 88, Sea Island, or Supima.
This exceptional fiber is famous for its surprising warm guideline, radiant feel against your skin, antistatic properties, and strength. Offered in bunches of weave types, silk regularly turns into a go-to choice for skirts, shirts, tunics, just as evening or prom dresses.
Viscose Linen as a Digital Printing Material
In digital textile printing, many printing heads make sure that fabric has good quality designs to enable a quick production rate. Some materials cannot be used for digital printing due to print heads closer to the fabric.
Regarding this, viscose linen stretch printing has become common using a digital printer. Like the case with imprinting on cotton, you will get the best outcomes when imprinting on thick with receptive ink.
Tips for Sewing Stretchy Materials
Tip 1
The stretchy materials don’t usually raffle; hence there’s no need to finish the edges if you don’t want to. Sewing with stretchy fabric can be a lot quicker than with woven or cotton. For instance, many people use an overlocker or serger machine for sewing with stretch materials.
Tip 2
When you’re laying your fabric flat to copy a pattern, make sure that stretch direction – where it stretches the most- is in, like crosswise your body, not in up-down.
Tip 3
If you have fabric with little VS, as usual, kersey fabrics have, these VS will go down when you’re marking on stretch materials. The majority of tailors use soap silvers, a little piece of soap that smoothly slides over the fabric. It provides the best results.
Tip 4
While cutting my fabric, I prefer using a rotary cutter and cutting mat because you’ll get more accurate results. If you don’t have jagged edges, so you won’t stretch the material while cutting.
Tip 5
If you have a rigid material, then I’ll suggest you strengthen fabric a bit, and you can also use different kinds of stabilizer which stretch a lot, or a little in two ways or four ways. You also have strips used for seems which are one fusible on one side or two sides.
Tip 6
Never use needles on stretch fabrics as it can damage the fabric, instead prefer using clips. When it gets complicated, I will suggest baste the material a little, but be careful because working with a needle can damage a fiber.
Tip 7
While sewing, don’t pull or push the fabric, kee it relax and let the feed dogs do the job. Put the stitch length to three and in zig-zag stitch; a tiny zig-zag stitch around 0.5, it goes straight almost.
Tip 8
If you don’t get satisfied result, then change your presser foot. You can opt for walking foot or knit foot.
Tip 9
If you’re going to sew viscose linen stretch fabric, then since it’s a natural fiber, so it’s imperative to pre-wash your material just like you do for any finished garment. This helps get rid of shrinkage in fabric beforehand as you won’t like a shrinkage after you’ve made it, right?