Best places to raise a family in Hawaii

Moving to Hawaii with your family, planning to start one there? Well, that’s a great decision. Hawaii has been an attractive location for new residents for years know – and not only for tourists. However, many people face the same challenge when they decide to move – how to choose the perfect place? If you haven’t lived in Hawaii before, that might be a difficult decision. Luckily, we’re here to help you with a guide to the best places to raise a family in Hawaii. Read and start packing for your new home!
We should start with the most obvious item on our list of best places to raise a family in Hawaii. Honolulu has been the most popular choice for years now, and there’s a good reason for it. Even though this area is one of the best for surfing, it also makes a great home. With many great parks and playgrounds, sunny beaches, friendly people – there’s not much more to wish for? The thing that attracts new residents the most is the mix of island life and urban vibe. The state’s capital is not only about the beach and nature – there are many job opportunities, schools, properties for rent, etc.

Another item on this list is very close to Honolulu – it’s Maunawili. This small place has the population around 2000, which allows you to enjoy a peaceful suburban life with easy access to the capital.
If you’re moving to a smaller city like this, you shouldn’t worry about the delivery of your belongings. Hiring a moving pro will make moving even to the most distant city much easier and faster. Trust a professional and complete this wonderful Hawaii experience.
Another smaller, yet very popular destination in Hawaii. Waikele has become one of the best places to raise a family in Hawaii for various reasons. Firstly, it’s the affordability – homes are a bit cheaper than in some other places from the list. Next, it’s the proximity to the Honolulu’s center. This place provides home for around 7,000 residents and it’s popular for its golf club and shopping.
One of the most beautiful and natural spots on the list of best places to raise a family in Hawaii is surely Mililani. It’s larger than some other areas we mentioned – it has a population of around 28,000. And if you have kids, you’ll be pleased to know that you can choose among 45 different schools in this area, which makes it very attractive among residents with families.

This place is one of the best places on Maui Island. The community of around 5,000 people is very friendly and peaceful and happily welcomes new residents. Stunning beaches, amazing landscapes, various schools– what more could you want?
Final words
When moving to Hawaii, you should know that every location has its pros and cons. There is no perfect place, but you will make it perfect when making beautiful memories with your family. Choose your favorite and start making moving plans as soon as possible!