Creative Input: 20 Instagram Story Ideas For Your Business

Find out our 20 best Instagram story ideas that are also suitable for your business. Practical and easy to implement – we promise!
First of all: What are Instagram Stories?
With the story function, Instagram created a completely new way of creating content a few years ago. Posts in the stories are only shown to followers for 24 hours before they disappear from the scene again. As a result, Instagram offers its users the opportunity to post a lot more and, above all, not quite as perfect content, without having to save everything in the feed and thus destroy its often composed appearance.
The possibilities of what can be posted in the Instagram Stories are extensive. No matter whether photos, 15-second videos, texts or boomerangs. Stories are suitable for almost any type of post and can be embellished with numerous stickers and made more interactive.
With the story highlights, Instagram has finally introduced another function that enables you to place your stories permanently visible on your account. You can create new highlights by pulling your best, most popular or most relevant stories from the archive and adding them to a highlight. You can then name this highlight after a suitable topic and it will be displayed between your profile description and your feed. A wonderful way to make story content available longer.
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Why are Instagram stories so important to your business?
Since Instagram Stories are placed at the top of the homepage, they are the first thing your followers see when they open Instagram. The small, red, glowing circle that shines towards them just screams to be clicked on by them.
In addition, Instagram Stories offer your business completely new possibilities. Because your followers don’t just want to find out something about your product and your company. Above all, they also want to know who exactly is behind this company. Stories are an important tool to build a connection with your followers and to create a basis of trust. Without trust in your company, your potential customers will ultimately not buy from you either.
We summarize again:
- Instagram stories make you approachable and ensure authenticity. Your feed is the perfect showcase and attracts potential customers to come in. Instagram Stories are nice salespeople who show their human side and guide them through the sales process.
- Instagram Stories are the quick way to reach the DMs of your target group. Since most of the sales are made in private messages, one can conclude: If you don’t create Instagram Stories, you can actually lose sales. (By the way: Selling via DMs is also possible without spam and cold calling – just saying.)
So if you want to be successful with your business on Instagram, you can’t avoid Instagram Stories.
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You can’t think of anything? Our 20 Instagram story ideas for you!
Due to the different formats and the individual story gadgets, Instagram offers so many different options, which is why we have summarized 20 story ideas for you here.
Use location markers
You are currently in a certain place and want to post an Instagram story from there. Then definitely mark the place in your story. Because this way your story will also be shown to the people who are currently looking for this exact place and more people will automatically see your story. More people who see your story automatically means more people who will notice you. So in the end, that means nothing more than more potential followers and customers.
Ask a question
To increase the interaction of your stories, it is a good idea to work with the surveyor question sticker. Ask a question in your Instagram Stories and get the right answers and preferences of your community. So you can easily collect opinions and create statistics for your business. The survey tool can therefore serve you as a quick and easy market research tool, for example when it comes to your further content creation.
Encourage your community to send you messages
Instagram lives from its algorithm. The more interactions you can prove on Instagram, the better it is for you to be properly perceived by the algorithm. Therefore, publish stories and ask people questions that they can answer via DM. Or tell them to send you a heart emoji now if they want to find out more about your product. In this way, you not only increase the interaction but also build a relationship with your community. Because that’s what social media is all about – building relationships.
Share your failures
You don’t get up on the right foot every morning. There are also days when nothing works at all and when you may not want to show yourself. But also share these days with your followers. Tell them what’s not going on or just let them know that you don’t feel like posting today. Because such stories make you and your business human and build trust and a bond with your community. However, pay attention to the dose, because your content should be 95% positive so as not to pull anyone down or even scare them off.
Share your opinion
Is there something that you are absolutely passionate about? Share such topics and interests with your followers in order to give them an even deeper insight into who you actually are and what defines you and your business.
Are you planning a new product? Show individual clips before launch. Let your followers advise calmly what your new product could be, because as you build tension and also get free inspiration for your next product because you know what your community wants.
Use stickers
Stickers are just a lot of fun and give your stories a few positive vibes. With branded gifs, you take the whole thing to a new level.
Market your product
You use Instagram because you want to sell your product – then talk about it too. Show your products in your stories or talk about how to use them and what functions it has. When you offer a service, talk about what your service offers your potential customers and why it is so important. It is important here that the added value is always in the foreground and that you show which problem your product solves in your community. Here too, it is important to pay attention to the dose and not to become a pure sales channel.
Promote your last post
In your stories, you can easily draw attention to your last or new Instagram post. Simply click on the paper plane symbol for your post and share the post in your story. This way, more followers become aware of this, which increases its reach. You can also use link in bio tool to showcase your all post in one place.
Post short, fun videos
If you really want to be successful with your stories, then you have to offer something to your followers. Therefore, entertain them with short videos and bring some fun and joy into their everyday lives. Laughter is healthy and connects!
Add music
A simple but powerful feature for your story. Simply add some music to your story. This works very easily via the music button. Select the right track here and your story will be much more exciting.
Post quotes
Do you know a motivating quote? Then just share it with your community. Put a nice background image on it to enhance your story. Tip: Link the author to draw attention to you. In the best case, your story will be shared, which in turn gives you more reach!
Share success stories
Had a really good day? Then just share your successes with your community. In this way, you can motivate them and let them participate in your success story.
Behind the scenes
Take your followers behind the scenes. Show them your day-to-day work and how exactly you work. We all like to play little mice, don’t we?
Repost stories of your customers
Do your customers tell in their story how great they think your product is and did they also link you? Then be sure to repost your story and use this as a testimonial. Because there is no better advertising than satisfied customers. You come across as particularly sympathetic when you also take 1-2 snaps yourself that respond to this feedback.
Share feedback
Have you received positive feedback in your DMs or comments? Then share that in your story too. In this way, you consolidate your expert status and skillfully draw attention to your content.
Show retrospectives
Post a review of the past in your story and show your community how you and your business have developed in recent years.
Promote personal hashtags
Draw attention to your branded hashtags in your stories and encourage your community to use them when they report on your product. This is how they spread and they connect faster with you and your business.
Create quizzes
Create quiz questions and find out how much your followers already know about you and your business. As a small incentive, you can of course also provide a profit for the follower who got the most questions right and answered them the fastest.
Share different tips & tricks
Give your followers added value in your stories by sharing various tips and tricks with them. In this way, you can make it clear again that you are a true expert in your field.
When will you finally win customers through your Instagram Stories?
Instagram Stories are a fast and efficient feature to get in touch with your followers and potential customers and to create a basis of trust. With our 20 ideas for your Instagram story, nothing stands in the way of you winning customers with stories in your business.