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E-commerce Conversion Optimization Tactics to Boost Your Sales

In today’s competitive e-commerce market, online marketers are trying to find new ways to enhance their sales and make their products public. They are using various tactics to market products and services to gain more global e-commerce customers. As competition is growing hurriedly, every business owner should follow some dos and don’ts when it comes to encouraging online customers to purchase items from their offerings. This is called a conversion and it is an imperative metric you need to consider when you are planning to build your online store. To improve your e-commerce store’s conversion rate, you should have a thorough knowledge of digital marketing. By enrolling on the best digital marketing course in Ahmedabad, you can get an idea of what is e-commerce and what is e-commerce conversion optimization?

Here we are also going to mention how you can boost up your e-commerce conversion rate.

Understanding Online Store Conversion Rates

What is an online store conversion rate? Let’s dig it

Conversion rate is the percentage of online customers that land on your website after completing the desired action. An e-commerce conversion rate is the percentage of online visitors who purchased something from your online store.

What is a good e-commerce conversion rate?

Average e-commerce conversion rates are 1% – 2%. A 2%+ conversion rate should be your prime goal for your e-commerce store. If your e-commerce store is getting 5,000 visitors and 50 conversions for a set period, this means your store’s conversion rate is 1%. You just need to divide conversion into visitors and thus, you will get your conversion rate. Many metrics tools will help you to calculate your conversion rate.

Ways to Boost Your Ecommerce Conversion Rates

Use high-quality images and videos on your product pages

While purchasing online, shoppers can’t feel or put on the products. That’s why you should provide detailed images or videos of your products so that the customers can understand what they are getting. Always use high-quality images and videos on the product pages as these will help your customers visualize the product in a better way and also, enhance conversion rates.

Everything ‘essential’ is now digital and this ‘digital demand’ will result in greater opportunity for those who have solid digital marketing and ecommerce skillsfuture.

Provide a 360-degree view of products

Larger product images automatically improve conversion. But now, you need to think one step in advance. You can provide a 360° view of your products. Now, your customers can enjoy a real-life experience with a 360° view of products. This will boost up their confidence regarding your items that product descriptions can’t provide alone. When “Due Maternity” added the 360-spin to their images and this enhanced their conversions by 27%.

Setup structure so visitors can easily find products.

Structure your product categories logically. While displaying your products make sure to use a few levels as this can help your users to reach a product as fast as possible. Sometimes, you can encourage your customers to shop by colour or other various fields.

Use a rotating banner to display top products. If a customer can find your product quickly, he will certainly like to purchase more from you.

Read More: Why WooCommerce Is Best For An Online Store?

Give detailed product descriptions.

Always write product descriptions and features in a detailed way. This helps your customers to understand what they are exactly getting from. Since they can’t touch or feel the product, hence they might have some questions which you need to answer through product detailing. This will also prevent returns. Moreover, it will also improve your SEO ranking.

Allow customers to review products

Why do people love to purchase from Amazon? Because of the reviews. Reviews can boost up your conversion rate as most people go through the reviews before purchasing a product. You can offer a gift coupon code or other types of incentive to your customers while purchasing next as a reward for providing a review. Ask your customers to let you know if they faced any issue or problem with your product. If you can solve the issue, you may receive more positive reviews.

Make your “Add to Cart” and “Checkout” buttons prevalent

Many times, people often select your products but leave without purchasing them. Thus, you should incorporate some actionable buttons that can take your users to the next step immediately while they choose your products. The absence of these buttons is often the result of marketers overthinking things. If you don’t hit your customers’ heads with CTAs, you may lose conversions. BigCommerce is now offering a customized buy button that you can easily add to your site to gain those conversions.

Use call to action prudently

Don’t over excite your online customer with too many options and CTAs in one place.

Drive the user to that particular call-to-action that you want them to perform on that page. If the customers are on a product page, then use Add to Cart. On the other hand, if they are on the cart page, you may use the Proceed to Checkout option.

Clearly state your unique selling proposition

The market is crammed with various types of e-commerce stores. So, why should a customer purchase from you? What makes you different from your competitors who are selling the same products? What is your unique value proposition? Clearly portray your USPs so that customers can get attracted to your products.

Add Filters to Your Category Pages

Filters play an important role in helping your customers to navigate and drill down to the right products. Make thorough research and find out what different questions your customers are sharing about products and create filters on your category pages for them.

Let customers check out as guests

Encourage your customers to checkout without signing up for an account. You will get their name and email address when they purchase from your store. Don’t force your users to register, else they may leave your store.

Make your checkout form easy to understand

Make your check-out form easy to understand (CVV and other inputs) for everyone.

So, when a user types a credit card number, format it in such a way that they can complete it without any hassle. In a date field, offer a date picker or dropdown. Make everything comfortable for your users so that they don’t hesitate to check out. Provide digital wallet options like PayPal, Amazon Pay, Google Pay, etc. These payment methods allow users to sign in with their account information and then prepopulate everything for them.

Offer free shipping

In today’s competitive market, free shipping is a game-changer. If your store does not offer free shipping, your customers may go to your competitor’s store. If you can’t afford free shipping, enhance your product prices a little bit to cover the shipping cost.

Be competitive in pricing

If you are selling the same products that your contenders are also offering, you need to price your products at or below the average price to stay competitive. Change your product price frequently to see what reverberates.

Make a great return policy

Before purchasing, most customers (over 50%) will read the return policy. Make your return policy simple and clear so that your customers can return the product in a hassle-free way. Though it may not improve the conversion rate, still, it will uplift your brand image and market reputation.

Now, you have a sufficient idea regarding how to improve your e-commerce conversion rate,

Enrol yourself with TraininginSEO and learn everything about e-commerce and digital marketing. TraininginSEO offers a comprehensive digital marketing course in Ahmedabad that will help you to get employed with a reputed best digital marketing company in ahmedabad.

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