Outdoor Play for Children – A Necessary Activity

Think of the time when we used to hop and run in the playground as kids. Gliding on the slides or swaying on the swings used to be our favourite activities. Whether it was cycling with our friends or dangling on a monkey bar, we loved it all. We could trade anything to indulge in our favourite activities. Time spent outdoors is said to be the best time for the kids.
However, this used to be the scenario a long time back. With the invasion of technology in our lives, kids today have started spending more and more time on the sleek and the latest gadgets available in the market. iPads and tablets are a common feature in homes. Mobile phones are something that is owned by most of the kids today.
That means physical activity is an all-time low. Kids are making virtual friends through these gadgets. They’ve lost touch with their real self. This is impacting their mental health gravely. That’s the reason the physical activity is a must. This can only happen when kids play outdoors and park activity equipment plays a big role in this. There are numerous benefits of this activity. Read on to find those benefits.
Benefits of Outdoor Activities
Boosts up mental and physical health Playing outdoor is not just good physically, but mentally too. After all, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. When children play outside, their bones become strong and they burn extra calories too. Moreover, when children play outdoors, they absorb a lot of sunlight. That means they get Vitamin D naturally and we all know how good it is for bones. The ezyroller australia is a cleverly designed toy that’s crazily simple to ride. Its not a bike , a scooter or a go kart.
Makes Kids Socially Active
When kids play with other kids of their age, they shed their inhibitions. This generally doesn’t happen when they interact with the adults. Social interaction makes them an extrovert. They join games with other kids willingly. They also learn to deal with kids of different temperaments.
Exposure to Varied Equipment
It’s a fact that outdoor equipment can be slightly riskier. Whether it’s hanging from the monkey bars or going down the slides. The play equipment can be slightly dangerous for them. But that doesn’t mean, they avoid playing on it. Instead, exposure to various equipment challenges their physical limits and makes them mentally strong. They learn to deal with all kinds of equipment, as they begin to surpass their limits.
Makes Them Independent
When children are in a large play area, they are usually away from the prying eyes of their guardians. This gives them a sense of independence. They learn to make their own decisions in the playground. For instance, they take turns while playing games. They also learn to play in harmony with each other. Most importantly, they develop self-reliance.
Improves Motor Skills of the Kids
Children learn to grip various kinds of park equipment when they use them. This improves their fine motor skills. Using different kinds of climbing sets gives them stronger bones and legs. Equipment like the rider and the tricycle are good for cardiovascular exercises.
Makes them Creative in the Playground
A playground with no park activity equipment doesn’t let them explore their potential to the fullest. In that case, they’d just sit or walk casually. With the equipment around them, they discover their creative instincts. For instance, the water play or the canopies can be put to use for several functions. The monkey bars can be just used for scrolling up or they might use it for hanging purposes, which adds a few extra inches to their height. Games in the playground also help in developing their latent talent.
Playing in the playground makes the children confident. They get to see their leadership side and this gives a boost to their self-esteem. Let your kids know these benefits and they’d never like to get glued to the phone again.