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Realtor Logo – How To Make a Creative Logo

Make a Realtor Logo

Creating a realtor logo is essential to professionalize in the market and, thus, convey credibility.

Although creating a brand for a realtor is a creative job and involves some techniques that are not learned overnight, it is possible that you can start sketching your identity today.

Therefore, in this article, I will help you understand a little more about how a realtor logo is important for you to win more customers.

But more than that: let’s understand how to make a creative logo that can be used in different places.

So, grab your coffee, a pen, and a paper to write down the tips and follow the step by step below!

How to make a creative brand

Realtor brand

To make a realtor logo, you will need to consider some technical steps and other creative steps.

The process of developing a brand is often time-consuming. Even though the world’s great brands are visually quite simple (like Nike or Apple), know that it’s not always easy to get these results.

Simplicity cannot be confused with simplicity. After all, getting to the simple involves a lot of work and dedication. And believe me: even if you are not creative, you can think or start creating your logo!

Creativity is, for the most part, 90% perspiration and only 10% inspiration. That is, getting your hands dirty, thinking, researching, doodling, erasing, and starting over, is what will make your brand be created.

But do not worry. We will detail each step from now on. So, keep reading the article to delve into the subject and start creating your realtor logo today! Follow up.

Understand your target audience and market differential

Your realtor logo cannot start from the graphic part.

In other words, you can’t just start designing or thinking about how your brand will be, without considering something very important for that: your difference and your target audience.

To understand this more practically, think about this: a person’s identity document is what differentiates them from another person, right?

Well, from a visual identity point of view, the same thing happens. The visual identity of your real estate or even your service provision needs to be unique and correspond to your work and target audience.

This is important to create connections and generate approximations and, thus, be able to differentiate.

If you simply create a logo that is similar to all other logos on the market and the competition, there is a good chance that your work will be considered “just another one”.

Therefore, seek to understand who your target audience is, build an identity that makes sense to generate connections with them and also consider your differentials for the creative process.

For example, if you are targeting an audience that only buys luxury homes, an elegant brand, with classic typography, with a gold or black color, will be better than creating a colorful brand with fancy typography.

Research the competition to know what to avoid

Another very important tip for creating a realtor logo is knowing what to avoid.

Simply by knowing what not to do, you will be on an interesting path to making a good logo.

To do this, research your competition to understand how they make their logos. And all those patterns you come across along the way, try to avoid them. Or, minimally, do them differently.

Avoid elements that are clichés and that do not reflect any type of differential in your work.

Ideally, you have a brand that can break visual standards and thus stand out. Otherwise, it will be just another realtor logo.

Competitive research needs to happen rationally. Look for the logos of those professionals or real estate agencies that are in your area of operation. In addition, also search at the Brazil level.

Understand how the big brokers and realtors work their brands so you can follow a different path.

Look for references outside the real estate area

In addition to looking for references on what not to do within the real estate area itself, you will need to seek references to get inspiration outside of it.

That is, do technical research to look for references that are not necessarily related to the real estate industry. You can often come up with great ideas with references far from your “square”.

This type of research serves both to generate creativity and to understand how communication is in general in large, medium, and small companies.

But, mind you: this type of search is not for finding patterns to copy. But yes, to look for patterns and use them as a reference.

Good ideas come from situations that generate good triggers. Remember this! A tip so you can have more time to research and look for interesting references is to delegate your day-to-day functions to a real estate management system.

Write your ideas down and find meaning in them

An idea in your head isn’t worth much if you don’t put it out there. This is true in many situations, but particularly in realtor logo creation situations.

So get your ideas down on paper. Write them down, make your sketches (even if poorly done), and get the ideas out of your head.

This will be essential for you to be able to “understand” the work and, thus, you will be able to have even more ideas. After all, one idea always leads to another.

In addition, putting ideas into practice helps you not to forget them. Yes, many times we can just forget that “good idea” we had when we had our head on the pillow.

Forgetfulness occurs because our brain had no trigger to understand that the idea was important.

And a good trigger to remind you is: write it down, draw it, write it down, doodle. Put your realtor logo idea down on paper, regardless of whether or not it’s the best idea.

The first model is rarely the best

In the same way that you will need to put all your logo ideas on paper, it is important to understand that the first (or first) ideas are not always the best.

The creative process, as we previously understood, is not a process that involves only inspiration.

That is, the best ideas do not come from a moment of inspiration. But yes, a moment of perspiration. Sweating will help create moments of inspiration. So take your time: your best realtor logo version will probably not be the first version.

So, don’t be afraid to test, take risks, and put your ideas on paper. The more you practice, the better the results. However, it is important that you also understand the following: at some point, you need to finish the job. In other words, finish it.

Spending excessive time working on your brand is not a good way to go. Perfectionism is quite harmful to the project because if you don’t finish it, you will always have the feeling that “something is missing”.

Use legible typography in various reduction sizes

This is a technical tip and one that needs to be considered so that your realtor logo can be used in a variety of applications: be careful with the typography size!

Always think that you are making a mark to be used in multiple places. Although it is a personal brand, it is not made just to satisfy the broker.

Make reduction tests so you don’t have problems applying the logo in several different sizes. For example, if you attend an event and have to place your logo on a banner or promotional material, the logo needs to be flexible so that it can be read.

So do size tests before finalizing it. Print several versions of different sizes and see how much the logo can be reduced – and never use it in smaller reductions than the test done.

The realtor logo needs to be easy

Another technical tip is: always make your logo with an easy application for various types of surfaces.

Avoid too much light, shadow, sparkles, reliefs, and other “effects” that make application difficult. Your logo needs to be simple to apply, with few elements and plenty of readability.

Also, consider creating a black and white version of the brand so that you have flexibility in applications.

The importance of hiring an experienced designer

All these tips on how to create a realtor logo will help you create a fantastic brand that is great for everyday use.

However, always consider hiring a professional and experienced designer to carry out the project. This professional will be able to perform all the steps mentioned above and deliver a fantastic result for your needs.

Even though you can start designing your brand, it is interesting to consult an expert so that there is a technical endorsement of the work.

This way, you will have time to think about other strategies for your business, such as capturing new properties and generating sales.

DesignEvo – create a realtor logo for beginners


Another very interesting way to create a real estate brand is through one of the tools online. DesignEvo is one of the great tools for creating a logo quickly.

It is a platform specialized in creating online logos. You can choose fonts, shapes, and other icons to compose your brand.

Will the realtor logo alone increase your sales?

Unfortunately, just the best logo for realtors is not going to increase sales. The logo helps, but it’s not everything.

To increase your sales, in addition to good strategies, you will need the help of systems that can optimize your day-to-day, so that you can focus on what will bring in new customers.


Graphic Design | Digital Marketing | support@theblogulator.com

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