Supplements are food supplements, and that’s all… That’s how they should be treated. They should not be the main source of nutrition, but secondary. They allow us to improve our performance during training, speed up muscle recovery from strenuous training, and help us “grow”.
No supplement used has been proven to be harmful, poisonous. Carcinogenic (anything can be heard) if taken in “normal”, prescribed amounts. A healthy person has no need to fear, or whatever, that his supplements harm his health.
The even better thing, before consuming any supplements, consult a doctor (make sure there are some younger ones because older doctors don’t know how familiar they are with supplements :)). Of course, before you decide to buy a supplement, fix your diet. Supplements won’t work if the diet is not regulated.
Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid (the body can produce it itself) whose main role is to strengthen the immune system, increased secretion of growth hormone, and allows better results all in order to create new muscle mass. Its representation in muscle is 60%.
I have now chosen to write about glutamine because it has a similar role as creatine. That is why they are usually consumed together. But, in some places, they are not combined together. Glutamine before and creatine after. Still, in several places, it says that it can be before training and after D Glutamine pushes water into muscle cells, which leads to greater protein uptake, which in turn means that higher protein uptake equals muscle growth and increased strength.
It is called an anabolic supplement, because it stimulates muscle growth, and its role can be anti-catabolic (muscle breakdown), in a way that it is consumed before training because it will preserve muscle and prevent catabolism. Consumption of glutamine before training should be slightly higher than post-workout intake.
It is most effective to take it after training. And in quantities of 10 grams.
There are also options to take in before bed. But it all depends on your finances. It is always better to put food in the first place and reduce supplements to the most necessary.
Is actually an amino acid used by athletes and bodybuilders to build new muscle mass and develop greater strength. Has the ability to do the above by increasing the level of Carnosine in muscle cells. Carnosine actually “dilutes” the acid that is created during training, and is increased in bodybuilders, also protects the muscle membrane that is under pressure during training.
Dosage.1.6 grams of beta-alanine divided into four meals.
Although I have read in some places that this supplement is still being tested. It has already been tested in America and had positive results for people who train…Perhaps the best option with this supplement, as with others…First by a doctor
How does creatine work?
Creatine is among the most useful supplements today for serious bodybuilders, but what you don’t know is how it works. Let us explain…
- Creatine “pulls” water from the extracellular space and places it inside the muscle cells, which causes the muscles to “swell” and at the same time that is the reason why some people can gain 4 kg of muscle mass in a few weeks of use.
- The increased amount of water in the muscle cells creates a lot of pressure on the membranes of the muscle cells.
- This pressure “sends a message” to the nucleus of the muscle cell, which further sends a signal through the mRNA to increase the synthesis of proteins (their immutability), which in turn affects the positive growth of muscles.
I have already written somewhere about ATP, which is the main source of cellular activity and muscle contraction. It is consumed during training. By releasing one of the phosphate groups and being converted to ADP (adenosine diphosphate). It is a much weaker source of energy. From ATP. How to avoid it? By compensating for the lost ATP. And this can be done with creatine. Creatine “adds” lost phosphate and provides energy for contraction.
A lot of studies have been working. It has been established that the optimal creatine intake of 20 grams per day is in the filling phase.
There is a charging and maintenance phase.
Filling: 20 grams per day. 4 times 5 grams. It would take 5 days.
Maintenance: Over those 5 days, there are days of maintenance. 3-5 grams per day for 2 months.
Again, there is an option of 3 grams a day for a month, without filling…