Volunteer Teaching in Cambodia
English is one of the languages that is quickly becoming one of the most popular languages globally. This is used across most countries and many different businesses. If you’re wanting to pursue a career in teaching then volunteer teaching in Cambodia is a great way to not only learn but also give back to a community.
Teaching English
It’s important that Cambodian children learn English as it will give Cambodian’s greater employment opportunities. With so many job opportunities being in tourism and hospitality it’s important they can speak English to get employment in hotels, restaurants, bars, and more. As a volunteer teaching English in Cambodia, you’ll play a vital role in contributing to their education. There are many different levels of English you can teach depending on your skillset. You can teach the younger years how to count and the alphabet or you can teach the older students more advanced English.
Assist poorer communities with water supplies
If you would like to volunteer and help a poorer community but teaching English isn’t your strength there are other ways you can make a difference. There are many areas of Cambodia that are unable to access clean drinking water and suffer from waterborne diseases. This is a great way to support the health of Cambodian families.
Water in Cambodia is collected in cement structures that store the water supply. This creates a dangerous environment for parasites and a breeding ground for mosquitoes to fester, making families incredibly sick. This is dangerous for young children who have lower immune systems and are unable to seek the treatments needed. The water that comes from human waste disposal is also contaminated. Cambodians throw their trash on the ground behind their homes where they live, cook, and clean. This rubbish isn’t removed and sits in old dirty water, which is part of the fields that produce their food. The country is sadly riddled with trash, mainly plastic bags. This is a hazardous environment as the rubbish creates toxins that seep into the ground, which then gets into the water.
There is also a lack of infrastructure when it comes to supporting the downpour of rain during the wet season. During the rainy seasons, the water becomes stagnant and creates wet unstable soils that breed and contract unwanted animals and bugs including mosquitoes and snakes. This often happens around highly congested areas including market areas where people go to buy and sell products where they are surrounded by toxins. This stagnating water also creates dangerous grounds for roads. The road in Cambodia is mostly dirt roads, creating bad driving conditions for motorcycles, which is the main form of transportation in the country.
Another effective way to assist is to get your hands dirty and help as a building volunteer. As they say, if you build it, they will come! If you prefer tasks that are physical and have a desire to help make a difference in Cambodia then assisting in construction could be perfect for you! There is nothing more fulfilling than leaving your mark by creating something physical that you can leave behind.