Positive Changes Brought Forward By The MeToo Movement

MeToo was launched more than ten years ago by activist Tarana Burke to ” spread a message for survivors- that they are heard, and they are understood.” The message has remained consistent since the movement’s current phase began two years ago: “Give people an idea of the scale of the challenge. A reputed criminal lawyer from Fisher Dore Lawyers can better help you understand the severity of this situation and learn more about the movement.
#MeToo has always been to increase public awareness of the pervasiveness and damaging effects of sexual violence. It also involves bringing about change. So what has changed at this time, two years after a New York Times investigation on allegations against filmmaker Harvey Weinstein helped make #MeToo a hot topic? Let us look at some of the changes brought about by the MeToo movement in recent years.
1. States prohibit nondisclosure contracts that cover up sexual harassment.
The usage of nondisclosure agreements was one of the systemic issues made obvious by the exposure of Harvey Weinstein and similar influential individuals. The settlement prevented Perkins, the case’s victim, from speaking out for nearly 20 years. Such arrangements permitted wealthy and powerful individuals to essentially purchase others’ silence, keeping anybody from learning about charges of sexual misbehavior against them and maybe putting others at risk.
2. States are also establishing safeguards for more workers.
Independent contractors are not protected by federal or most state laws against sexual harassment; only employees are covered. That means those who are formally self-employed, such as performers, makeup artists, and Uber drivers, may have limited legal options if they are subjected to workplace harassment. Many states increased domestic worker protections and expanded their sexual harassment laws to include independent contractors.
3. The campaign to abolish the tipped minimum wage is picking up momentum.
Because reporting the conduct or taking other measures to stop it could cost a tip, restaurant employees frequently face customer harassment. The national minimum wage for such workers is far less for their survival. Thus for many servers and other employees, losing tips means losing the capacity to pay basic bills. In order to combat harassment, restaurant employees and their supporters have long contended that the tipped minimum wage must be eliminated.
4. Many have sought justice with the support of the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund.
A sexual harassment lawsuit might be costly for many people. To aid survivors of sexual assault, particularly those who work in low-paying professions, the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund was established by a group of Hollywood women striving to end the harassment. According to a fact sheet that Time’s Up gave to Vox, it has made it possible for people with experienced criminal defense lawyers in Brisbane to take potential legal action.
Concluding Thoughts
If you use them frequently, you’ve likely seen the hashtag #MeToo on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms. An initiative that began as a mechanism for victims of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying to connect and share their experiences has grown into a major social and legal with the help of experienced attorneys from Fisher Dore Lawyers.