What You Can Expect from Using Cbd Oil For Cats For the First Time

Sometimes, we just get this sudden desire to become a pet owner. More often than not, the choices we go for either involve a cat or a dog, and this is usually because they are the easiest to handle. Cats specifically are one of the chilliest, most affectionate pets you can have.
For some people, they are the perfect balance between playful and independent, since they are capable of handling many of their necessities by themselves, and usually don’t need as much attention as other animals.
This makes them the perfect choice for those who are constantly out of their houses because of their responsibilities, or for people who don’t want to invest too much time and effort into things like exercising or taking them for a walk.
It is Still a Challenge
Being a pet owner also involves being responsible for many of your pet’s needs, both emotional and physical, such as taking care of their exercising needs and dealing with their loneliness and anxiety, like separation anxiety, an affliction that is very common in adopted animals, as shown over here.
Although I mentioned that cats don’t require as much attention as other animals, they still require a certain level of socialization, and in fact, it is usually recommended to have two cats instead of one for the sake of helping them cope with loneliness. When it comes to their exercising needs, they don’t need as much exercise, but it is wise to play with them every once in a while.
But another responsibility we will have to deal with is their health. Sadly, animals are also likely to suffer from certain physical conditions and diseases that will cause them pain and affect their quality of life.
Traditionally, the way pet owners handled these conditions demanded visits to the veterinary and the use of medication and drugs. The problem with these drugs is that they tend to cause a lot of health problems that only get worse in the long term, thus, it was always a kind of infamous solution.
Here’s where the main topic of this article enters the play: CBD. Considered a non-traditional method of treatment and acclaimed by the pet-community as a very efficient and accessible way of treating animals, CBD has become a very popular choice for pet owners.
And we will talk about what you can expect from your first experience using CBD in your cat. But before we get into that, let’s talk about what CBD is, and why it is so popular in the community.
What ‘s CBD?
The word CBD comes from Cannabidiol, which is a chemical compound that enters the category of cannabinoid, which is a type of compound that can be found in the cannabis plant. In fact, tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol are the main compounds of the plant, but there’s a huge difference between using CBD-based products and using medicinal cannabis: Cannabidiol is actually non-psychoactive!
This means that, no matter what, you won’t get high from using a cannabidiol product, and this is due to their low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC. THC is what provides the plant with its psychoactive capabilities, and since CBD-based products, like CBD oil, are created using a plant that contains only 0.3% of THC, it is pretty much harmless.
But What Makes It so Popular?
Well, first of all, cannabidiol is capable of providing all the health benefits of the medicinal cannabis plant, without many of its side effects, so it can be used for a wide range of purposes.
Generally speaking, cannabidiol is used to treat pain-inducing conditions and diseases related to inflammation. For cats, cbd for cats arthritis is a very efficient way of reducing their inflammation, alleviating their pain, and helping them recover some of their mobility lost due to pain and inflammation.
Handling Anxiety and Other Similar Problems
Another very specific use for cannabidiol products is anxiety. Animals can also suffer from stress and anxiety, and it can affect them on many different levels, not only physically, but mentally as well, causing them depression and other similar problems in the process.
A very good example of how you can use CBD in your cat, is in the case of separation anxiety being present. As mentioned earlier, separation anxiety is a common affliction in adopted animals, and it causes them a lot of distress and anxiety whenever they are left alone.
This makes them engage in destructive and erratic behavior, makes them aggressive at times, and it can also cause them to become very vocal or to seek attention constantly. The best way to handle this particular affliction is through training, and cannabidiol oil and treats can make this training process a lot easier, since it helps them relax whenever they are left alone.
Is CBD Oil Safe, Though?
One of the reasons why people are reluctant to use CBD oil and other similar products is because they don’t know how to use it, and whether it is safe or not. Something we can say about it is that, although there’s a lot to be learned about it as a medical compound, it is considered one of the safest methods of treatment you can find in the market, as showcased at https://www.petmd.com/cat/care/cbd-safe-cats.
Yes, it can still cause some side effects, like diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. But these side effects are usually linked to excessive consumption, and only by reducing the dosage you will pretty much get rid of said side effects. That is why cannabidiol oil is the best choice for beginners: It is easy to use, very easy to administer, and fairly easy to measure thanks to droppers!