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Health and Medical

Who Could Be In Greater Risk from Coronavirus?

Almost anyone is at risk of developing severe illness from coronavirus. However, this risk of covid-19 is higher for some than others.

According to medical experts, there are two levels of high risk, and they are:

  • Clinically extremely vulnerable (high risk)
  • Clinically vulnerable (moderate risk)

Before reading through, the list below may not contain details about everyone whose risk is higher from the virus. We will include more information as we unravel more details about the virus.

The clinically extremely vulnerable (those with high risk)

You may develop severe illness from coronavirus if you:

  • once had an organ transplant
  • are undergoing a course of radiotherapy (radical radiotherapy) for the treatment of lung cancer
  • have been diagnosed with a severe lung condition like severe COPD, severe asthma, or cystic fibrosis
  • are undergoing targeted cancer treatment (PARP inhibitors or protein kinase inhibitors) that may compromise your immune system
  • have been diagnosed with a bone marrow cancer like lymphoma, leukaemia, or myeloma
  • have undergone a stem cell or bone marrow transplant in the last six months, or you are still under immunosuppressant medications
  • have SCID, sickle cell, or any other condition that puts you at a higher risk of contracting infections
  • are taking medications (like immunosuppressant drugs or steroids at high doses) that make you more susceptible to getting infections
  • are pregnant and have a severe heart condition
  • have Down’s syndrome as an adult
  • are at stage five of a severe long term kidney disease and currently undergoing dialysis
  • are classified under the clinically extremely vulnerable, based on the assessment and medical judgement of your needs

Those under this class must have received a letter from the NHS. If you have not been contacted, speak to your GP and find out why.

What should I do if I’m at a higher risk?

If you are at a high-risk from coronavirus, follow the guidelines provided by CDC for the clinically extremely vulnerable to stay safe.

The clinically vulnerable (those with moderate risk)

The people classified under the clinically vulnerable are those who:

  • are 70 years old or more
  • have diabetes
  • have chronic kidney disease
  • have a heart disease
  • have a liver disease like hepatitis
  • have lung condition (like emphysema, COPD, asthma, or bronchitis) even at a moderate level
  • have conditions which alter the normal functioning of the nerves and brain (like cerebral palsy, motor neurone disease, Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis)
  • have conditions that can weaken the immune system
  • are taking medications that can intrude the normal functioning of the immune system (like small doses of steroids)
  • are highly obese (with a BMI of 40 or more)
  • are pregnant

This class of people will not be served a letter from the NHS. However, there is help available for you, and you can access proper medical care by consulting us at Walk In Clinic London. Book an appointment.

I have moderate risk; what should I do?

If you fall under this class, we advise you to stay at home as much as possible. However, you can go out for work (if it is not possible to work from home) and to get food or exercise.

During your time out, stay three steps away from anyone not living with you or in your support bubble.

Factors that can influence your risk

Aside from the above-listed factors, the following can increase your risk of developing severe illness from the coronavirus.

  • Being up to 60 years of age or more. The older you get, the higher your risk
  • Having a Black, Asian or minority ethnic background

We advise you to get a PCR swab test in London as soon as possible if you have any symptoms of coronavirus.

Nicholas Hartley

Nicholas Hartley is a professional blogger with much curiosity in reading and gathering information. He has a great interest in education, health and lifestyle and wants to aware the people through his well-curated blogs and articles.

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