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why alcohol is more addictive day by day

Alcohol is a neurotoxin
A glass of red wine with your meal, some think, can’t hurt. But even small amounts of alcohol have an effect on the body and brain. But what exactly happens and how harmful is it for the body? Sparkling wine tastes good, lifts the mood. makes you relaxed and talkative – but in any case, the alcohol it contains has an effect on the brain and the body.
People absorb around two percent of alcohol shortly after drinking. through the mucous membrane of the mouth. Most of it, but, he swallows. About 20 percent absorb the gastric mucosa, the rest only in the small intestine. It absorbs through the mucous membranes and then carried to the liver via the blood system. “The liver is the first, most important station. This organ has enzymes that can break down alcohol,”
The liver carries toxins out of the body. Alcohol is one of them. The first time it passes through the liver, it does not break down all the alcohol. A part goes out again and then gets into all other organs. “This affects the pancreas, muscles, and bones. for example, and it leads to corresponding changes. Alcohol can worsen or even cause over 200 diseases.
What is happening in the brain
Too much alcohol in the body affects the brain. Perception distorted, judgment cloud, and the ability to concentrate decreases. At the same time, the inhibition threshold decreases. a carefree feeling arises. Too much of a good thing, but, can lead to intoxication and even loss of consciousness. This has turned out to be particularly bad with excessive. “binge drinking” among young people. Depression and aggression get worse. The sad consequence: alcohol abuse, accidents. and violence under the influence of alcohol are increasing worldwide. Around 3.3 million people die as a result each year.
As the alcohol circulates through the body, it hits the brain as well. It takes about six minutes to get there. “The alcohol-ethanol molecule is a small molecule. It is in the blood, in all proportions of water, it is water-soluble. Humans consist of 70 to 80 percent water, the alcohol distributes in it and gets into the brain.”
Alcohol affects what known as neurotransmitters. These are substances that send to the nerve endings in the central nervous system. Under the influence of alcohol, there is an incorrect or altered transmission.
Acute damage can occur. If the situation is chronic, i.e. if it consumes for years or even decades. the damage is worse: “There are disturbances in vitamins and trace elements. that play a major role in the central nervous system. We need vitamin B1, for example in our brain. If it is missing, it can lead to Korsakow-Wernicke syndrome. “
This is a disease of the central nervous system. Alcoholism leads to a lack of vitamins and, in turn, to diseases. In the brain, the effects of alcohol abuse can lead to dementia.
What happens in the body
Alcohol attacks the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat. for example in the esophagus. It can no longer protect the body against toxic substances. But the liver handles breaking down toxins. first focuses on breaking down the alcohol. Other toxic substances ignore in the first place day by day.
That could have significant consequences such as severe pancreatitis. according to the expert Seitz. “Let us think of cancers, tumors of the oral cavity. throat, larynx, esophagus, but also cancers of the liver or the female breast. One often forgets that alcohol is a risk factor for breast cancer in women and also a risk for the colon.”
In the first place, but, is cirrhosis of the liver. When alcohol brake down in the liver, toxic products are also created there. They damage the liver cells. Around 20,000 to 30,000 people die each year from cirrhosis of the liver in Germany alone. “Alcohol breaks down in the liver, and then you think the poison is gone.
But there is a breakdown product, an intermediate product, so to speak. That is acetaldehyde, a substance that reacts to the smallest of circumstances. can destroy a lot and, among other things, even cause genetic damage. “It is a dreaded metabolic product of alcohol, says Seitz, and a carcinogenic substance day by day.
More than a glass
In Germany alone, 11.8 liters of pure alcohol per capita consume each year. That corresponds to the equal of 500 bottles of beer – mind you. In Great Britain and Slovenia, it is less, each around 11.6 liters. The people in Ireland and Luxembourg so, drink a little more than the Germans, 11.9 liters on average. That is the result of a WHO study. Belarus takes a questionable first place. 17.5 liters of pure alcohol consumed there every year. At the bottom of the scale are countries such as Pakistan, Kuwait, Libya, and Mauritania. each with 0.1 liters per person per year. A completely different situation prevails in some Asian countries.
Asians and alcohol
Around 40 percent of all Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese lack an enzyme. that breaks down acetaldehyde. This means that they lack an important prerequisite. for breaking down alcohol in the body. “Alcohol convert to acetaldehyde and acetaldehyde convert to acetic acid. But if acetaldehyde is not converted to acetic acid, then acetaldehyde accumulates.
Many Asians cannot break it down because of this genetic disposition. This can lead to headaches, nausea, vomiting, tremors, your face turns completely red. He has some friends from Japan who affect” They still drink alcohol and then even have to vomit. “Ten percent can Do not drink alcohol at all. because they get sick, but this way they protect against any kind of alcohol poisoning day by day.
But alcohol also has a good side, even if only one, according to the alcohol researcher. It has a beneficial effect on arteriosclerosis. and the calcification of the blood vessels. If you are a little older and are at risk of a heart attack. or have already had a heart attack then a glass of wine in the evening is not bad, but no more. ” And Paracelsus already knew that.
The physician, healer, and theologian preached at the beginning of the 16th century. All things are poison, and nothing is without poison, only the dose makes a thing poison.” So, as with so much: the amount matters day by day.
Current trends in alcohol
Despite these preventive measures and although alcohol consumption among. adolescents have decreased in recent years with increasing health awareness. the following trends can observe More and more adolescents are consuming. adolescents who are already consuming are increasing the dose. and girls are consuming hard alcohol a.
The alcohol industry also contributes to this and. is opening up new target groups for young people. Mixed drinks are becoming popular. B. rum or vodka – so contain brandy. Their consumption and acquisition prohibit under the age of 18.
Alcohol advertising in cinemas before 6 p.m. prohibit.
What Can Concerned Parents Do?
Occasional alcohol consumption by young people (not children!) On certain occasions and when socializing is normal. And handling it is one of the developmental tasks. that adolescents have to learn in our society during puberty on the way to growing up day by day.
Credible role models
It is important to have positive and credible role models that they can use as a guide. Parents, teachers, and other social relatives. for example in clubs and in the wider community. are asked for, who have to question their own consumer behavior.
Promote activities
Another effective protection against an alcohol hazard is healthy body awareness. through sport and other activities, the cultivation of hobbies, interests. and friendships, in short everything that would endanger risky alcohol consumption during exercise.
As soon as young people become motorized road users. especially with the acquisition of a driver’s license. they must be able to regulate their alcohol consumption.
Signs of harmful alcohol consumption, but, are when adolescents more and more often:
drink increase the dose, keep a (secret) supply;
switch to spirits such as vodka or mixed drinks such as cola with rum;
drink and alone, deny or downplay actual consumption;
are often intoxicated, aggressive, and unresponsive;
staying in groups in which drinking is playing the main role;
become violent and conflict with the law.
There is no “right” reaction in these cases, it always depends on the respective. personal circumstances and the family climate day by day.
Experience shows that alcohol consumption among. adolescents are very influenced by the parental role model. but after puberty when the parents move away. the consumption behavior in the circle of friends is decisive. In spite of this, the influence of the parents still continues. which is why it is important that parents are trustworthy. and credible in their own consumption behavior. that is, they question their own consumption habits and change them if necessary. Pure prohibitions and compulsive abstinence often. have the opposite effect in the long term.