4 Features to Look for When Buying a Condo
4 Features to Look for When Buying a Condo

Are you looking for a home with minimal maintenance, nearby amenities, and a great location?
If it sounds too good to be true — it’s actually not! You can get all of those things if you find the right condo.
In fact, 27% of the U.S. population has decided that living in a condominium is the right choice.
If you’re having similar thoughts, here are 4 features you need to look for before buying a condo.
1. Its Location
Condos are often near major metro areas, which can be a huge convenience. You may want to look for one that’s near quality schools, grocery stores, restaurants, or public transit. If they allow pets, you may want to look for one that’s near a pet-friendly park.
Or maybe you’re looking into buying a holiday home. In that case, you might want a condo with an oceanfront view, like many of the luxury properties in the seaside neighborhood of La Jolla.
2. The Condition of Common Areas
The condition of the common areas can give you a peek into the overall state of the condo building. If the common areas are not well kept, it’s a sign of a building with a poorly run condo association.
Take an in-person tour and do a condo inspection. Inspect the state of the common areas, walls, floors, and other amenities. If there’s a gym on-site check to see if the equipment works, or if it’s just for show.
The condition of the common areas can also indicate how secure the building is, which brings us to our next point…
3. Security
What safety and security features does the condo offer? Where are the security cameras? Are there security guards?
How do non-residents enter and exit the building? What areas can they access on their own?
The same questions apply to the exterior of the building too. Is the parking lot or garage secure? Are there cameras there, or an on-duty parking attendant?
You may think that living in a condo alongside other residents would provide some built-in safety. However, an unsecured condo can be a hot spot for crime, especially if there are lots of units in the building. Your unit and several other units could be at risk of being a target for thieves.
4. Good Flow
A condominium will likely have a few different floor plan options for you to consider. You may already have an idea in mind of the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and overall floor space you need. However, buying a condo is about more than the square footage, you need to check the flow.
Flow refers to the positions of the rooms and their layout, including their doors, windows, and furniture. It’s how the rooms link together, and if the flow is good, it should naturally guide you to certain areas.
Tour a unit in person and picture yourself living there. What routes would you take throughout the condo?
Should You Consider Buying a Condo?
Buying a condo isn’t for everyone. However, if you want something that’s low maintenance, is near major amenities, and may be more affordable than a home, you might want to buy a condo. If so, then follow these tips to make sure that you’re buying real estate that’s right for you.
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