Everything you should know about Adobe Analytics implementation

Business is all about turning important data into decisions. However, not every assumption-based decision will be suitable for the company. To cope up, technology has got our back! There are cloud services and software-based solutions that thrive on giving the best results. The year 2020 saw a lot of transition in business. The things went online in no time. In the following year, there was a lot of buzz for online retail and digital media experts.
Essentially, the experts in the digital era are well-versed with two things when it comes to business- Adobe analytics and SEO. And these are the critical ingredients for the success of your online business.
Digital is essential to our present and future. The digital-first age will continue to influence our lives by keeping friends, family, and co-workers linked to fueling digital commerce and ensuring the continuation of critical corporate processes.
In the future, digitalization will be critical to keeping economies and businesses afloat and maybe even becoming more vital. Therefore, it is now more important to keep a business strategy in alignment with the market demand.
What is the right Strategy for your business?
First and foremost, the business strategy goes a long way in your business, so you need to ensure it to be a full-proof plan. And this plan starts with the marketing plan.
A marketing plan organizes your company’s marketing objectives and establishes a strategy to achieve them. It’s a step-by-step guide on starting a business or launching a new product or service.
Your Strategy should involve market and consumer research, as well as what marketing materials and tactics you want to employ and how you intend to assess your success. Surely, the market is loaded with different tools and software that can help you get through.
It may be tempting to skip this stage and get right into digital marketing efforts, but investing time in developing a marketing plan and a sound business strategy will pay off in the long run. It will help you focus your marketing efforts on long-term goals.
Even minor implementation decisions in an analytics system might have significant impacts later in the value chain. The consequences range from increased work during analysis to increased maintenance for incorrect findings. So, this makes sense to employ the right tools and strategies from the beginning.
How to get through the Adobe Analytics implementation?
Some of the phases may be omitted or have already occurred, depending on the requirements. Even with current implementations, tracking your business is a valuable exercise.
Step 1: Research and learn about your company and consumers.
In an ideal case, you’d begin planning your implementation by pondering some broad questions about your company’s overall scope. Begin with the main issues:
What value does your company provide now?
Who are the opponents?
What distinguishes your firm from the competition?
State of the market?
What is your long-term Strategy?
While you’re answering those questions, start thinking about your company’s current or future consumers or customers. What are their names? In what ways does your business add value? What does it take for a potential client to become a paying customer? How would you know whether a consumer is trustworthy?
Step 2: Establish KPIs
The next stage in perfecting your implementation is to examine your overall business and specific business operations. On an operational level, it might differ dramatically depending on your sector.
A digital analyst deals with these KPIs daily, but this practice is critical for keeping your analytics aligned with the business. Keeping an eye on daily or weekly statistics will help you in making future predictions based on the relevant data which can be really beneficial in competitive market.
Step 3: Group meaningful user interactions and define helpful information.
You now understand your business strategy and value propositions and how your digital operations relate to them. You would also understand how users connect with digital assets and the most valuable interactions through this step. The next step is to categorize those encounters and determine which metadata is useful.
This means we must know how many individuals view and assess which assets contribute the most to overall performance.
Defining the Analytics Dimension:
We now have a solid foundation to base our decision on which Adobe Analytics dimensions to use. The method we choose the type of variable to utilize has evolved significantly throughout time.
Here are some things to think about when deciding on a dimension type:
Do you want Analytics users to be able to evaluate and segment data based on dimension value quickly?
Are real-time reports important to your business?
The benefit of utilizing Calculated Metrics is that we can change the data that make up our reports on the fly and after they’ve been created. The critical thing is to keep track of your decisions and outcomes and your company objectives and queries.
By this point, you have understood the importance and all the necessary steps to consider for a suitable business strategy using analytics. Now we need to decide how we’ll get our data into Analytics.
How to get the most out of your Analytics?
To get the most out of Adobe Analytics, you’ll first need to decide on two important things: the manner to fire events and transmitting data.
To do so, you must first conclude which interactions you will monitor and the process. You have two options for transmitting data with Adobe Analytics:
- Page Tracking
- Link Tracking
Because they influence your data and built-in metrics, deciding event firing is critical to your implementation. You should also think about if you want to use on-click events for specific interactions.
Now that you know when you want your events to fire, it’s time to talk to your data analysts about who should be in charge of firing them. Again, there are a variety of approaches you may use.
Current Tag Management Systems allow analytics teams to be essentially self-contained from the development team for many cases. If you want to track clicks on a particular page element, you can go into Launch and make your own.
Choose where you want to fill your dimensions.
This is the final stage! Now you need to decide how you want to get event data into Analytics dimensions.
Different ways of tracking are advised depending on the property you’re tracking. Adobe suggests utilizing Launch to populate your Props and Evars for web pages. Following that advice is quite convenient if there aren’t too many restrictions on populating such variables. However, there is a constraint like “only onsite searches event on the result page” are included. Here things rapidly become more complicated.
Now that you’ve finished gathering data, it’s time to put it on display!
Wow, you made it through the list! You should now have some excellent and reliable data in Adobe Analytics that can be examined. The next step is to return to your business issues and use cases and create Analysis Workspaces relevant to you.
You may provide your users a secure atmosphere for data democratization and empower them to explore data independently by utilizing Tags and Curation!
And, most of all, you should also have excellent documentation that connects your adobe implementation to your business strategy & goals.
Also read: Mastering Your Link & Navigation Structure