1. Is Homoeopathy a proven science?
It is. Homoeopathy is a science that relies on sound logic and extensive experimental data. Homoeopathy is the only medical science that has data collected by testing on humans and not animals. This is because humans can express their feelings during the testing, while animals cannot. These principles have been proven valid through extensive clinical trials and data. Homoeopathic medicines are prepare in a standard manner. Homoeopathic pharmacopoeia contains more than 3000 remedies. Their clinical efficacy has been proven in clinical trials around the globe. For more information, visit Spring Homeo.
2. Are Homoeopathy Doctors, licensed doctors?
Yes, there are over 180 homoeopathic medical schools in India, and more than 1000 colleges around the globe that have been recognize by their respective governments. The degree program covers the study of the human body, homoeopathic pharmacy, medicine, gynaecology and Materia Medica. It also includes philosophy, total patient management, and Homeopathic pharmacy. The full course in India lasts four and a half years. After that, there is a one-year internship that includes practical training at hospitals. In India, there are also postgraduate programs. To practice legally, one must register with the Medical Council.
3. Are Homoeopathy medicines only placebos (sugar pill)?
No, the doctors at Spring Homeo explains that the actual liquid medicine, made from natural medicinal substances, can be poured over the tablets and administered as medication. You can also find homoeopathic medicines in liquid form, or tinctures. These can be taken directly or in water if needed.
4. Does Homeopath give the same homoeopathy medicine for all patients/illnesses?
It is false to believe that this is the case. The doctors at Spring Homeo says that the white pills that are given by a homoeopath do not contain any actual medicine. They are neutral carriers or neutral vessels for the actual medication. Different potencies of drugs can be use to suit different patients.
There are approximately 3000 medicines, 10 different potencies (powers to medicines) for each medicine. This means that there is a minimum of 30,000 combinations and permutations.
5. Do you have to take the medicine for a long period?
Most often, no. The nature of the disease and the fighting ability of the patient will determine the duration of treatment. To improve immunity to diseases, the treatment must be continue for a set period. All these factors are taken into account and the treatment must be continue for a specific time to benefit the patient. We stop giving the medicine to the patient if they start improving. The body’s natural immunity and control mechanisms will then take care of any remaining problems.
6. Is homoeopathy slow to work?
It is a myth, however, that medicines work slowly. Its effect is fast and lasts longer than expected, sometimes even forever. It treats the disease from its root. Homoeopathy is a cure that goes to the root of the disease.
The severity of the condition will determine the length of time it takes to cure. A patient who seeks homoeopathic treatment immediately after the onset of an illness has a high chance of rapid recovery. Homoeopathic medicines can also be used quickly and effectively for acute conditions. For example, For example, if “X” has bronchial asthma and has been suffering for 14 years and tried many different systems of medicine. If you give him homoeopathy, and he is 100% well in two years, what would be the best treatment?
7. Why detailed history?
The experts at Spring Homeo says that homoeopathy treats the person, not the disease. The physician must get to know the patient and not his disease. Chronic diseases can also be caused by the suppression of emotions or skin affections. A detailed history will help determine if any past conditions have contributed to the present condition.
Every incident has an impact on our lives. It is therefore important to keep track of all incidents and their effects on patients. To find the best medicine for the patient, it is important to have a complete history from childhood. We can help you live a happier and healthier life if you cooperate and share your detailed and honest history.
8. What should a homoeopath know?
To find the best remedy for you, the homoeopath must know everything about you. To get to the root of your case, the homoeopath must understand you and your mental and emotional condition.
The physician will be able to assist you with any unusual habits, past medical history, affairs, and details about your childhood. If you are honest with your history, the doctor can accurately assess your case. Your physician will treat everything you tell him as confidential and only use it to help you.
9. Are homoeopathic remedies steroid-free?
It is not. This is a common misconception that has emerged in recent years. Many people believe that homoeopaths are steroids because they have seen improvement in their health in a short period.
Homoeopathic medicines use scientifically predefined methods to extract the medicinal properties of source substances. It is not possible or necessary to mix the derived medicines in any way with other substances. This would cause the medicines to lose their curative properties. Homoeopathic medicines are prescribed based on similar symptoms to those of the patient. This is done if the drug’s purest form has been proven (clinical trials). Any addition to the original medication would alter its medicinal properties, making it non-curative. The medicines will taste bitter if they are infuse with a steroid.
Before consuming any amount of medicine, the patient should verify that the medication is from a recognized laboratory.
10. Why don’t homoeopaths tell us the names of the medications that have been taken?
For the patient’s benefit, the name of the medicine will not be disclose. The name of the medicine is not disclosed to the patient. This will cause the patient to take the medication according to the way he or she likes. Certain medicines must be adjusted and given according to the patient’s condition and recovery.
A copy of the case record can be requested by the patient if they wish, but only after the patient has fully recovered.
11. Is homoeopathy a belief in the diagnosis of disease and the treatment of pathological conditions?
Yes. Yes. For example. For example, an asthma attack will cause wheezing and congestion in the chest. He can only get relief if he turns his head backwards. While congestion and wheezing are signs of asthma, the main symptom for diagnosing the condition is relief by turning your head backwards. It is essential to be able to distinguish between the symptoms of the disease and the specific symptoms. Pathological investigations are important to determine the extent of improvement, the diagnosis and the prognosis.
12. Is there any restriction on food during treatment?
The patient should not eat or drink for 15 minutes before or after receiving homoeopathy medication. Avoid coffee, raw onion, and raw garlic. Avoid eating mint, camphor, and menthol because they can interfere with the action of homoeopathy medicine or counteract its effects.
13. Are diabetics allow to use homoeopathic remedies?
Why not? The daily dietary intake for sugar would be much greater than the small amount of homoeopathic medication. Patients have the option to take liquid or inhalation form of their medicines. Homoeopathic pills contain lactose, which is safe even for diabetics.
14. Is it necessary to stop taking other medications?
No. No. The patient should gradually reduce the dose, but only after he is feeling better. This should be discuss with his treating physician. If the patient cannot stop taking the medicine, the two medicines must be continue. It is important to plan and implement the treatment properly.
15. Is it possible for homoeopathic remedies to cause aggravation in the beginning?
Sometimes there may be an initial aggravation, but this is a sign that the medicine has begun working. This is rare and only a small percentage of patients will experience an aggravation. Most patients can get long-lasting relief.
16. Is it safe for pregnant women to use homoeopathic remedies?
Yes. A qualified homoeopathic physician is better than a homoeopathic doctor. The mother and child will both benefit if the treatment is done correctly. The child will be healthier, and the medicines will fight hereditary diseases that are passed from generation to generation. Homoeopathy can be given during pregnancy to make it easier and more normal. The child will be more healthy, emotionally balanced, mentally sound, and physically stronger.
17. Which disease is homoeopathic treatment more effective for?
Homoeopathy can treat any condition. It can treat everything from simple colds to advanced cancers. Homoeopathy considers the symptoms and not the diagnosis of any disease. This allows for the treatment of certain diseases that are not easily diagnose or unknown diseases. Homoeopathy can be use to treat incurable diseases where conventional treatment is not effective. It will also help to prolong life expectancy and reduce the risk of death. Homoeopathy can be use to relieve pain in advanced cancer stages.
18. Are homoeopathic remedies effective for children, women, and the elderly?
Homoeopathy is not discriminatory about age or sexual orientation; it works for all ages, from birth to death.
19. Is Homeopathy effective in acute cases?
Yes. Yes. Homoeopathy offers wonderful remedies for acute conditions like headaches, fever, cold, diarrhoea, and cough. Homoeopathy is best if the person seeks it out at the first sign of an ailment.
20. Does Homeopathy believe in Surgery?
Yes. Surgery is an independent branch of medicine. Surgery is not an option for patients who aren’t within the scope of medicine. Homoeopathy is a great option for treating many surgical conditions such as tonsillitis, pimples, warts and kidney stones.
21. Should one take homoeopathy medicines only from a qualified doctor?
Yes, he should. Although there have been miracle cures from homoeopathic practitioners, it is still advisable to see a physician. He is qualified to assess the severity of your condition and prevent any complications later. This is because he has more scientific medical knowledge than a hobby practitioner. Only a qualified physician will guide you to complete mental, emotional and spiritual recovery.
22. Is cure possible with Homeopathic medicines?
Homoeopathy can be curative. Homoeopathy treats the root cause of the illness (internal malady, or imbalanced energy), and not the symptoms (diagnostic signs specific to the disease). The symptoms can only be use to help the individual choose the best treatment. Homoeopathy treats the individual as a whole, not just his body parts. Homoeopathy considers the symptoms of the illness and the curative remedy is chosen on that basis to provide a gentle, permanent cure as soon as possible.
23. Are there any side effects of homoeopathic medicines?
There are no side effects to homoeopathic medicines. Sometimes the symptoms can get worse over a short time. However, this is an indication that homoeopathic medicine has begun working. You may experience a mild cold, skin rash, or slight discharge when you take homoeopathic medicine. This is a sign that your system is clearing up. You will not experience any recurrence of old symptoms such as constipation, skin rash, or warts. These symptoms will disappear quickly and your body will heal completely.