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How to get CIN number of a company

Do you want to know what is CIN number...

Are you looking for how to get CIN number of a company?

A Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of a company is a unique 21 digits alpha-numeric identification number given by the ROC (Registrar of Companies) to the enterprises documented in India under the law of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).

Firstly, it provides to the company with its registration certification by the ROC after company registration.

All companies registered in India must have a CIN number, including:

  • One Person Companies (OPCs)
  • Private Limited Companies (PLCs)
  • Companies maintained by the Government of India
  • State Government Companies
  • Not-for-Profit Companies under Section 8
  • Nidhi Companies

Except, the Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP), instead of CIN number, the ROC gives a unique 7- digits identification number known as LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number).

That is so to say this unique crucial CIN number is needed when filling the forms submitted to the ministry of corporate affairs (MCA) while filling audits and reports.

Steps to get CIN number of a company

In addition, CIN number is assigned to the organisation after it is successfully integrated and authorised by the Registrar Of Company.

But how to apply for CIN of a company?

There are two ways to get CIN number.

Either through business service providers or by registering yourself on government websites.

Follow these simple steps to get CIN number by registering on government websites:

Step 1: 

Browse and visit the official online portal of MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs).

It is a must for all the businesses in India to register on MCA and get legal approval.

Only then, your company will be official and allowed to operate without any obligations.

Step 2:

Look for the Application form on the portal.

It is crucial to fill the form correctly with all the mandatory details.

Step 3:

Fill the form correctly with all the required details.

After that, recheck the form to find any errors because all the things will be as it is printed on your incorporation certificate.

Submit the form after filling the form with other necessary documents like Receipts, Invoices, Letterheads, Annual Reports, etc.

Step 4: 

Reviewing of application form by the officials.

The review may take around 3-5 days as they need to verify the information submitted in your application and attached documents.

Step 5:

Once the MCA approves your application, it will require you to make payment to receive the CIN number of a company.

Purpose of RoC

The primary purpose of the ROC is to ensure that all businesses in India relent with approved prerequisites. The other tasks of ROC include:

  • Modification of corporation names
  • Activities against the insolvency enterprises
  • Transformation of businesses, from private to public.

Benefits of CIN number

  1. CIN helps track all the aspects and activities of a company from its incorporation by the ROC. Also, it requires providing all the transactions with the respective ROC.

  2. The 21 digit CIN helps find all the information relating to a company.

  3. The CIN contains the identity of an organisation.

  4. Moreover, additional information regarding the registered company under the ROC is also accessible.

  5. Any form submitted to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs needs the CIN number.

  6. CIN Number is applicable in the following publications of a company: Official publications, Bills, Memos, Letterheads, Invoices, and Notices.

Interpretation of CIN Number

The structure of the CIN number is identical for every company.

Here is a break up of the CIN number to make understanding more comfortable by splitting the numeral into six elements of the company:

  • LISTING STATUS (initial letter)

The first letter of the CIN code denotes the listing status of a company in the market.

If the first letter is L, it indicates the company is listed, and if the letter is U, it implies that the company is unlisted.

  • INDUSTRY CODE (2nd to 6th character)

According to the company’s industry as per the Registrar of Companies Industry Code, it is a five-digit code that comes behind the listing code (L OR U).

Further, it divides into sections, division, group, class, and sub-class, for example:

  1. Hospitals: 85110

  2. General higher education in science, commerce and humanity: 80301

  3. Production, supply and documentation of ready-made (non-customized) software: 72211

  4. Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis: 70200

  • STATE CODE (7th to 8th character)

The third characteristic obscured by the CIN number is the code of state in which the company incorporates.

The state code usually has two characters in the 7th and 8th positions of a CIN number, respectively.

For example, the state code of Tamil Nadu is TN, Maharashtra is MH, Kerala is KL, Karnataka is KA, etc.

  • YEAR OF INCORPORATION (9th to 12th character)

The next information in the CIN number is the year of incorporation.

Secondly, it positions from the 9th to the 12th place of the CIN number representing the four digits of the year. For example, 1962, 1980, 1995, 2019, 2021, etc.

OWNERSHIP STATUS OF THE COMPANY (13th to 15th position)

After the year of incorporation, a CIN number mentions the type of ownership. It is generally in 3 alphabets occupying the 13th, 14th, and 15th positions.

The list of abbreviations used for the kind of companies according to their ownership is as follows:

    1. Private Limited Company – PTC

    2. Public Limited Company – PLC

    3. Companies owned by the Government of India – GOI

    4. Companies owned by State Government – SGC

    5. Financial Lease Company (as Public Limited) – FLC

    6. General Association Public – GAP

    7. General Association Private – GAT

    8. Not For Profit License Company – NPL

    9. Public Limited Company (unlimited liability) – ULL

    10. Private Limited Company (unlimited liability) – ULT

    11. A subsidiary of a Foreign Company – FTC

  • REGISTRATION NUMBER (16th to 21st position)

The last 6 digits of the CIN number comprises the enrollment number of the company provided by the Registrar of Companies.

The numbers are from the 16th to the 21st position of the CIN number, after the ownership status of the company.

For example, for a company with CIN number L21091MH2018PTC141551, the first letter (L) represents that the company is a listed company.

Meanwhile, It is into the manufacture of paper hoops and cones, has been registered in Maharashtra in 2018, is a Private Limited Company, and has a registration number ‘141551’ provided by the ROC.


Also, you need to be clear about the difference between CIN and GSTIN while looking for how to get CIN number of a company.

Because both are related to business and often are confused about their purpose.

  1. CIN is the Corporate Identification number assigned to all documented companies under ROC. On the other hand, GSTIN is the identification number enlisted under GST.

  2. GST number is essential to file taxes, while CIN number to file audits and reports.

  3. CIN number helps track various aspects and activities of the company, while the GST number maintains records of GST dues and payments.


To sum up, I hope now you know everything about how to get CIN number of a company and all the necessary information related to it like benefits, interpretation and how to use it.

Further, it is always advisable to consult a professional for filling the application for CIN number as they have expertise in the field.

Also, they can help you draft your legal documents like MoA, AoA, Auditor Appointment and post incorporation compliances.

On the other hand, it will help your application to process faster without any rejections.

Furthermore, they will also answer any queries raised by the government regarding your application and legal documents.

Meanwhile, you can sit back and relax.

By: Geeteshree Singh Panwar

Starteazy Consulting

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