It’s time to hire Python developers, but you don’t want to make a mistake and hire the wrong ones. To avoid this, you need to ask the right questions at the beginning of the interview process so that you can make sure they’re qualified and capable of doing the job well. Here are 10 questions you should ask candidates before hiring Python developers to ensure they will be able to do what you need them to do in your organization and that they’ll be able to produce good results on your project or your business as a whole!
1) Do You Have a Project Scope?
If you don’t have a written, detailed project scope at least two pages long, then you should definitely ask for one before hiring python developers. The detailed project scope will help everyone involved—including yourself—make sure everyone is on the same page throughout development. Without a written project scope, it’s more likely that miscommunications will lead to delays and bugs down the road. Whether you hire an individual developer or work with an agency, make sure you get all your questions answered upfront. (Here are some tips for creating your own project scope.) Are You Using a Testing Methodology?:
Any professional hiring python developers will tell you there are only two types of software engineers: those who test their code, and those who suffer. Developing clean code that works is imperative; any experienced developer can write bad code quickly; writing robust code takes time. Asking about how they do testing tells you how carefully they approach their craft. Do They Have References?: Good coders know good coders. The best hiring python developers already know other great developers in town, so whether through colleagues or friends, ask them for recommendations so you can call these contacts directly and see what other companies think of them as well.
2) What Kind of Results Are You Looking For?
When you hire a developer, what results are you looking for? Are you looking to drive traffic to your website, raise brand awareness, boost sales or make some other businesses change? Defining what kind of results are most important to your business will help you, screen developers, properly. When hiring python developers, make sure they understand what results in your business is trying to achieve and help them frame their answers based on that criteria.
This helps ensure hiring python developers is done in good faith.
2. Do You Have Expertise in My Niche?: Before hiring python developers, find out if they have experience working with your niche—if not, it may be a waste of time going forward. Not only do you want to see examples of websites and apps built by your possible candidates, but also an understanding of how they think about solving problems related to your niche. It is important to hire python developers who can think like your customers so that when developing solutions, they stay focused on meeting your customers’ needs and producing highly effective products.
3. How Soon Can We Get Started?: If you want to get started right away then try to interview candidates who can start quickly. While there isn’t always a strict timeline, having available staff members who can immediately begin work on your project allows you to save time and money. Ideally, look for talented individuals who don’t have huge workloads already because starting from scratch takes longer than continuing from where someone else left off.
4. How Much Experience Do You Have Working With Other Companies Like Mine?: Avoid hiring python developers who worked previously with companies similar to yours. Since you will likely run into similar issues in terms of technology and process, leveraging a team member’s previous experience could prevent valuable resources from being spent reinventing the wheel.
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3) How Much Will It Cost?
Some may think that asking how much something will cost is too blunt, but you’ll be surprised to find out just how many developers and businesses will give you a straight answer. Make sure you get as specific as possible and ask about all aspects of your project; also make sure you let them know what kind of budget you have. A good developer should be able to break down their costs and offer various pricing options based on your needs.
One thing to keep in mind is that some people don’t really like being asked direct questions—the more delicate approach may be to say something like how do you typically charge for projects like mine? This way, they can feel free to give you an idea without feeling pressured or snooped on.
4) When Can We Start?
Many people mistakenly believe that if they want to hire python developers, they need to have a complete job description and hiring process ready. That’s simply not true. In fact, many hiring managers don’t even put together an official job description until after they’ve hired someone! The important thing is to ask what you need to know before you can hire python developers. If your questions are open-ended, interviewees won’t feel like you already have them figured out. And when it comes time to hire python developers, you will be able to judge potential candidates on their merit instead of on predetermined criteria.
5) What Is Your Budget?
It may sound obvious, but a budget is an important piece of any project. Before even starting a hiring process, know how much you have to spend and what needs to be achieved within that budget. Having more time or money doesn’t always mean better results—in fact, it usually means more wasted time and more money spent trying to achieve something that was never possible in the first place. Setting a project budget means being realistic about what you can afford and will lead to better results on both ends of your project.
If you don’t know where to start, speak with people who might benefit from your product (i.e., potential customers) to get a sense of how much they would pay for certain features. Remember: No matter what happens with hiring Python developers for your project, avoid going over budget at all costs! Every dollar spent above your budget is essentially gone forever… so make sure it’s well-spent!
6) What technologies and resources are Required?
It’s important to start a project off on good footing by making sure that you have all of your requirements defined. If a developer is starting work on a new web app, they will need to know what technologies they should use, what frameworks they should learn, and how much time it will take them.
A developer can’t deliver an accurate estimate if they don’t know exactly what needs to be done. As such, make sure that everyone knows what their responsibility is before any code is written. What is expected of me?: Every developer has specific strengths and weaknesses, meaning not every individual will be perfect for every task.
Do some research into potential candidates to figure out who works best with what kind of development. This way, you won’t waste precious hours trying to get developers up to speed on knowledge or technology they already have. Can I call you anytime?: Most developers are used to working in environments where they never receive direct feedback from clients or managers—and as such, aren’t comfortable working when there isn’t someone available to guide them or answer questions about project direction. Before hiring anyone for remote work, make sure that everyone involved understands these expectations; otherwise, there could be big problems down the road!
7) Will I Have All the Source Code?
A good python developer will give you all of their code, and be willing to walk you through it. This can be important if your project needs modifications to make it work within your environment. Asking for all source code is not only a way to ensure that you know what you are paying for; it also makes sure that there is no confusion about who owns what when disputes arise. Source control systems like GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket may provide visibility into how developers handle open-source code.
These types of services allow you to track changes over time and even let other collaborators check out projects. Many companies prefer using them because they prevent others from making unauthorized changes to proprietary projects. Always keep in mind that open source doesn’t necessarily mean free use! Open source licenses may have different restrictions or requirements beyond those stated in your contract or employee handbook, so talk with an attorney before signing anything.
8) Who Will Own the Software Source Code?
It’s a question we don’t often think about when hiring developers, but it could have a big impact on your business down the road. For example, say you hired your developer to build a custom application and he leaves to join a bigger competitor. Now you are left with some code that only one person knows how to use, and if that employee goes away, so does your application. You may want to consider establishing a clear understanding of who owns what before you commit to working with someone.
In most cases, it will make sense for you to own all source code. But there might be situations where it would make more sense for ownership to be share (for example, in cases where an employee has been given stock options or restricted stock units). No matter what kind of relationship you establish here, make sure both parties know upfront exactly how it works and confirms those terms in writing. Check out our post on developer contracts if you need help drafting something up.
9) What Platform Will the Software Be Deliver On?
Not all platforms are create equal. If you’re developing a SaaS solution, you’ll need to know what device and OS version your users will be accessing your software on. For mobile applications, Apple iOS vs Android vs HTML5 is an important decision to make; there may also be differences in functionality between each of these frameworks that could affect your hiring decisions. Don’t forget about wearable devices! There will be new types of devices coming out all of the time, so keep up-to-date with current trends.
As far as desktop, laptops or desktops? Cloud servers or private servers? Linux based or Windows-based? All of these can play into your coding decisions—and potentially determine how accessible any developer candidates are for you. And remember that some developers specialize only in one platform (e.g., Android).
10) Where Can I See Some Examples of Past Work?
Make sure you’re hiring a developer with a proven track record, and check out some of their past work. Oftentimes, candidates will have portfolios available on their LinkedIn profiles or on sites like Github. A quick review of projects completed can help give you an idea of what to expect for your own project. (Note: If there are no examples available, ask why!) What Programming Languages Do You Know?: Sure, developers may be skill in one language over another—but that doesn’t mean they won’t need to know more languages for your specific project.
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While it might not be realistic to assume someone knows absolutely everything about every language under the sun, look for someone who has experience in at least three programming languages—and ideally four or five! Having a strong background in multiple languages will make life easier when it comes time to troubleshoot down the road.