Home Improvement

What Are The Different Kinds Of Solar Panels Available Today?

Buying solar panels for your home or office can at first feel confusing because there are so many different solar panel kinds and manufacturers to consider, not to mention that you want to make absolutely sure you’re making the right decision.

Many of our customers are confused by the different alternatives available when they first contact us for solar installers in Adelaide. But, the team at Class A Energy is here to assist you with whatever needs you may have. Therefore, continue reading on to learn more about solar panel differences and how to pick the best ones for your home.

Different Kinds Of Solar Panel

PV solar panels come in 3 wide varieties and are available for purchase. They are:

  • Monocrystalline
  • Polycrystalline
  • Thin-Film

Monocrystalline Solar Panels

The most popular and most effective solar panels are monocrystalline (single crystalline). Monocrystalline solar panels are the most reliable and operate in all weather conditions, despite being the most expensive option.

Monocrystalline (single crystalline) solar panels can be identified by their dark colour. They are the best choice for turning sunlight into solar energy because they are composed of premium silicone.


  • The maximum level of effectiveness.
  • It is more space-saving than other solar panel kinds.
  • High performance in every weather, even when there is little to no sunshine.


  • More expensive in comparison to polycrystalline solar panels.
  • Can lose their effectiveness if exposed to mud, dust, or shadow.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels

These are solar panels that make use of Polycrystals.

Solar panels that are multi-crystalline or polycrystalline are blue and have varied patterns. These solar panels are the best choice for home or business owners wishing to install solar panels on a budget, even though they have a reduced efficiency rate when compared to monocrystalline solar cells.

The fact that polycrystalline solar panels are less space-efficient and generate less energy per square foot as a result of their lower efficiency rate is one of their main drawbacks. Despite this, they can still be a fantastic alternative for meeting your energy needs.


  • It is cheaper because it is easier to produce.
  • Less silicon is wasted during production.
  • It can be applied to both small and big properties.


  • Less efficient than solar panels made of monocrystalline.
  • Will need a bigger roof.
  • It is usually made from inferior silicon and usually has a less appealing appearance.

Thin-Film Solar Panels

In comparison to monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels, thin-film solar panels are less common, less efficient, and have lower energy capacity, with efficiencies ranging from 7% to 18%. Even if the efficiency is low, those wishing to install solar panels shouldn’t completely count them out.

Thin-film solar panels are extremely flexible and perfect for use with portable devices. As their name suggests, they are small and lighter than other types.


  • Heat has less of an impact on them.
  • They can last for ten to twenty years.
  • Most affordable kind


  • A lot of room is required.
  • Shorter warranties from the manufacturer.
  • Faster deterioration


The above discussion shall give you a brief idea of various solar panels to choose from. But, worry not; Class A Energy‘s expert solar panel installers in Adelaide are here to help you through the process if you’re still having trouble deciding which solar panel system is best for you.

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