What time of year is it right to clean the house?

Modern society dictates its terms. We have less and less time to do housework like cleaning, washing, etc. After all, spending time with your loved ones, traveling, or working is much more important and enjoyable than fiddling with a floor rag and cleaning products all day.
However, from time to time it is necessary to do general cleaning. This may take a whole weekend. Fortunately, such a need arises only a few times a year, and even less often. The solution to the problem of general cleaning of the apartment can be an appeal to a company that provides cleaning services. That’s why nowadays it is so popular to apply to cleaning services, and professional cleaners do their work, and as a result, you will get a perfectly clean apartment and time that you can spend on yourself and your loved ones.
How often do you need to do a general cleaning of the apartment?
Even if you have enough free time, doing spring cleaning too often is not recommended. From constant friction and contact with a damp cloth, delicate surfaces, such as polishing on furniture and doors, can suffer. It is best to do a general cleaning of the entire apartment once a season.
It usually includes sorting out old things (you will be surprised how much freer the apartment will become if you throw out things that you do not use), washing windows, wiping dust in far corners.
To get the most out of your home, you need to keep it clean. Only in this way will your stay there become comfortable and joyful. House cleaning can be both standard and general.
Standard cleaning is relevant at any time of the year throughout your stay in the cottage.
As for the general, as we have already mentioned, it is most often held in the off-season, especially in houses where no one lives in winter. This is a kind of total preparation of the house for wintering. In the spring, on the contrary, during the general cleaning, the house seems to wake up from a long sleep and prepares to receive its owners for a long and carefree stay in the warm season.
If you decide to do the cleaning yourself, it is better to choose a fine day. The absence of heavy rain and wind will allow you to open the windows to fully ventilate the room. If you are not lucky with good weather, do not be upset. After the rain, the air is saturated with moisture and saturated with a special delicate smell of plants, so a good option for cleaning the house is to do all the main work during the rain and then ventilate the room. If there are coniferous plants near the house, you will not only feel an unusually pleasant aroma but also receive a significant dose of useful substances. Trace elements contained in the needles have a strong antibacterial and soothing effect. It is also worth noting that in rooms filled with clean, refreshing air after rain, it is easy and sound to sleep. This feature will be appreciated by everyone who suffers from insomnia and is prone to stress. When cleaning in winter, be careful when working with windows open. High risk of colds.
Regardless of the time of year, the key to successful cleaning is the right cleaning products, the competent use of washing technologies for a specific surface, and compliance with basic safety rules.
How to do a deep clean.
It is not necessary and even undesirable to do a deep clean in your house in one day. Break the work down into stages, trying to keep it within a few days, and alternate complex and time-consuming tasks with simple ones, for example, cleaning the refrigerator or windows, sorting out the first-aid kit, or sorting photos.
Work plan
- Start cleaning by cleaning windows.
- The first item on the program is the kitchen.
- Next is the bedroom.
- Continue in the living room.
- Finish in the bath, toilet, and finally in the hallway.
- Before you begin, load curtains, bedspreads, tablecloths, and other large textiles into the washing machine.
Put the refrigerator to defrost. Sweep dust and cobwebs from the walls and from under the ceiling. Unload shelves and cabinets, wipe them with a disinfectant. Don’t forget the doors and surfaces above. Check all the jars with bulk: if food moths are in them. The next step is the lamps. Then clean the stove, oven, and microwave. Pay attention to the walls around the stove and the walls of the stove itself: treat contaminated areas with grease removers: leave them for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Treat the trash can and the area around it with a bactericidal agent. Clean your sink without forgetting the drain. Vacuum and wash the window sill and radiators and wash the refrigerator. Next, wipe the baseboards, sweep and mop the floor.
Unpleasant, but necessary is to take care of the dishes. Before you start cleaning the kitchen, take care of the dishes. Remove plaque from pots, pans, and other large objects using special products.
If you don’t have a dishwasher, porcelain and faience can also be processed using special tools, or you can boil it in a large saucepan or a bucket of soda in an old-fashioned way: why do you need to breathe chemistry once again? Wipe crystal and thin glass with dry cotton rags. Table silver and cupronickel are perfectly cleaned with toothpowder.
First of all, check the cleanliness of the walls and ceiling, clean them if necessary. Next, vacuum or knock out the mattress and pillows – they, as well as carpets and heavy curtains, accumulate the most dust. Then take care of the cabinets: remove and take out the contents, wipe all the shelves and drawers. Make sure that the branches closest to you have the things you need at this time of the year. Wipe window sills and radiators, lighting fixtures, and furniture. Don’t forget about pictures and photo frames. Small items can be processed one at a time, or you can put them in a large basin and place them under running water in the bathroom. At the very end, vacuum and wash the baseboards and the floor, and several times a year this procedure is preferably carried out with disinfectants.
Living room.
Vacuum upholstered furniture, wash removable covers. Then take care of the carpets: they should be cleaned on both sides, and even better, they should be beaten out in the fresh air. Synthetic specimens can be processed with a washing vacuum cleaner or even washed in a sufficiently capacious washing machine. Then wipe the dust off all surfaces. Several times a year, completely unload bookcases and shelves, not only to clean them but also to air the books. Polish the wooden parts of the furniture. Take care of the cleanliness of indoor plants: carefully wipe the large-leaved ones from dust, and send the flowers with small leaves under the shower. Finish cleaning by washing the floor. If it is parquet, use a barely damp cloth, and after it dries, rub it with special products.
Bathroom and toilet.
Remove all jars, tubes, and bottles from the shelves, put them in a large basin, wash and take them out. Clean and wash the walls: for old stains on the tiles, glass cleaner is perfect. Tarnished grout between tiles can be attempted to be cleaned with bath cleaner or, more radically, with descaling fluid. Inhaling the fumes of chemical helpers indoors is very harmful, so after spraying the contaminated seams, leave them for a while and do something else. If all else fails, the grout will have to be completely renewed. Try to combine toxic measures, simultaneously spraying limescale and rust stains on sanitary ware with special equipment at the same time as the seams. Rinse off household chemicals sparingly with water, and ventilate the room before continuing to clean.